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If you read his column, Dover’s World,  he writes about the FEI meeting and subsequent press release. The following is from Robert…..this is his advice…of how to write the ruling…
“Any action by the rider which causes UNDUE PAIN or BEWILDERMENT to the horse should be deemed abuse by the rider and dealt with appropriately by the stewards”.

Robert continues…”–I believe most if not all of us truly know when an animal is being abused when we are right there and witnessing it. This is not necessarily true from things we see a snippit here and there on the internet from though, which is why such determinations must be left to those with authority on the show grounds. I believe that we are on a very slippery slope right now and the wording used to describe behavior which is or is not allowable or appropriate at competitions should and must be very carefully thought through, lest we end up in a very dangerous situation for our beautiful sport.”


Robert is referring to riders who overuse aids, whips, spurs, hands and of course the riders use of anger in their relationship and communication with their animals. This gives us all something to ponder and think about.