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Congratulations to the first Lingh foal of 2012 – born in Germany

I have been spending a great deal of time recently on writing letters. Letters to the breeders of the Lingh foals, past and present and all around the world. All the breeders and present owners are being given my postal address, my email address and access to my website so that the stories of the Lingh offspring can be told and shared.  Yesterday I cleaned up the office and the letters, the library and the table where all these Thanksgiving and Christmas notes were written.  NOW, it is time to work on the computer. Except, I have one more project to complete.  I am going to move mountains and get the Dressage Foundation’s School for Equestrian Fundraising out into the public eye. It’s going to be an amazing accomplishment this school. We are going to build relationships with young equestrians and we will reach out to the adults –  amateurs and professionals –  interested in learning how you can go about funding your own equestrian career.  It’s been a busy couple months and I have many Lingh stories to share with you and adventures to share with you !

As I get to know my new computer and figure out the different and new bells and whistles….my New News will be current and fun…so enjoy the ride with Lingh and I….he is a masterpiece ! More on the first foal soon !