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Lingh mare for Breeding –Classic Slottie

I am proud to present you with this letter!  Thank you Kaast and Ini and enjoy the photograph!  Congratulations!
Dear Karin,
Hereby we send you some information about our mare Classic Slottie by Lingh and out of On Time Slotte keur (Jazz x Ahorn). We presented Classic Slottie this year at the breeding shows in Bronneger and De Wolden where she became ster and voorlopig keur. We have an equestrian centre and we breed and train KWPN horses (and some Frisian ster mares as well) professionally.  So Classic competes at the moment at L2 dressage level and is doing very well. She has an absolute adorable charachter, is intelligent and is easy to handle in every way.  She has no vices what so ever. Her X-rays are clear and her height is 1.67m.  Her great quality is her trainability. She  always looks relaxed but you might say she hides her qualities a little bit. Perhaps her movements are not that spectacular yet  but we know that will change soon. She comes out of a strain of slow developers so we will give her plenty of time to build up her muscles and to grow. But we are convinced that  when she is ready she can be trained for the highest level. As you will understand we are very pleased with this mare by Lingh and we regard her as great asset to our breeding and sport mares. I must say On Time Slottie is a superb breeding mare. This year she had a stallion by Uphill at the stallion Show in ‘s Hertogenbosch and next year we will present another stallion out of her. My daughter competes at Z-level with a 6-year old gelding by Rousseau also out of On Time. Nevertheless as professional breeders for 25 years we recognise the good qualities Lingh has added.
We hope this is the kind of information you are looking for.
Kind regards and we wish you and Lingh all the best !