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Back to work…but want to share a story with you all !

This is one of the best emails I have gotten in years.  This is not only amazing, it will work and the concept could not be much simpler and off the everyday shelf of parts and technology.
For those who do not know how automobile engines actually work, let me try to explain. They are called combustion engines, because gasoline or diesel fuel is exploded in a special chamber, which creates enough pressure to drive a piston down, usually, turning a shaft that results in turning the car’s wheels. The key is the pressure that is required to push that piston down to turn that drive shaft.
Compressed air can provided the required pressure against those pistons. If we could break the hold oil companies have on this entire nation and put everything we have towards this type of science, we will soon be free. Watch the following:
By the way, I heard last week that BP and all of the other companies involved in the Gulf of Mexico leak and destruction of our world down here, are setting up to try all of the court cases here in Texas. For all of you folks living outside of that state, you should know that will be a cake walk for the those guys to get out of paying most of what they should. The Oil Industry owns Texas and every judge and politician in it. Even if the people win in the lower courts, our appellate courts will over turn it.