The Tool Box Introduction letter is ready to send out. In the letter you will discover the reasons why the Tool Box is a great event to schedule this year. Contact Karin at for more information. These two stories were published recently in America’s premier Dressage magazine. Reprinted here, compliments of Dressage Today.
October 2010 Dressage Today
November 2010 Dressage Today
We received this letter of recommendation today….
“The Tool Box Symposium was one of the best events I’ve attended. We, my son and I, were looking for what kind of instructor we could learn best from, and how the lessons could be shaped to learning styles. I’m interested in the teaching of HOW to teach, not just the materials. What is it that makes it worthwhile to go to a particular instructor to get the most positive transformational “aha!” moments? Or, how to get the most learning bang for the buck. The Tool Box was intense and liberating, with many opportunities to talk with everyone, be they presenters, riders, instructors, or auditors. Karin did a brilliant job of mixing people and changing their locations, so they wouldn’t get into a small rut. Having the sports psychologist was a stroke of brilliancy, as she helped all of us communicate better. The lessons just got better and better, as instructors added her new ideas, and riders felt more comfortable in describing what they felt and were frustrated in, in their understanding. The auditors added their observations and everyone stayed positive and helped each other. There were no mean spirited comments or actions allowed, so people didn’t feel so vulnerable.I not only would go to another Tool Box if it were handled as well as Karin’s, I would knock myself out to sign up early, sign up to be a rider and help put it on. It was that brilliantly done. Excellent all the way around.”Big Hugs!Robin
Happy Thanksgiving everyone !