I was so excited to see Lingh, it’s been a long summer in America for me and finally I am back with him in Sweden. I think he was especially glad to see me, and for the tangerines I brought for him to eat. He loves anything orange ! I sent best wishes too from Edward and Vanessa and Nicole. There is much to film, photograph and say but I thought this was a nice video I took today. Walk with Lingh
He looks super. His character is so good and all of his caretakers at Flyinge love to care for him and handle him. Here is a video of the Birthday Girl ( its her BIRTHDAY tomorrow !!) that takes care of him on the weekends. Lingh and Stine, in the stable
Tomorrow Lingh, Matts and I are going for a long walk, so I hope the sun shines and its pretty so I can show off Flyinge and show where Lingh gets to walk.