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Info Compliments of ! Lingh Offspring compete !

Young Lingh colts, fillies and geldings are now competing in

Dressage competitions around the world !

Clint and Leonie Bos

Clint 07 by Warola / Rousseau Bred by A. Goor in Herpen * Clint took place in the stallion show in 2009.
Ridden at Berkel-Enschot2 by Leonie Bos and Photographed by Dorli Welp
2007 KWPN 07.06754 Barona-stam, merrielijn 13, fokfamilie 64
Info compliments of
Large photos to follow!
Susanne Hassler writes….

“I  am thrilled to see the Lingh-Rousseau cross work!! I’ve recommended it dozens of times already to our clients!!! It’s a true niche breeding, I believe! 🙂 SO exciting! Congratulations to the breeder ! EXCELLENT”

Cliff and Inge Coenen

Cliff 07 by Ulivi  /  Olivi Bred by G.J.W. Verdelien in Horst
Ridden at Berkel-Enschot2 by Inge Coenen and Photographed by Dorli Welp
2007 KWPN fokfamilie 1820

Info compliments of Horse Telex

Lingh brings you a taste of spring…March 21, 2011

in the middle of Winter...Lingh brings Spring.........

Lingh and Karin in Germany at Gestut Birkhof – Stallion presentation March 2011

Here is the link for our travels last week. We had a special time in Germany with the breeders at Gestut Birkhof.  Here is a video of the final part of the show….enjoy. Lingh was in the finale.  About 2o.32 into the video.  A touching closing with Mr. Casper and Team Birkhof.  It was my pleasure to take part in their spring Stallion Show.Lingh, Thomas Casper and Karin at Birkhof Stallion Show March 2011

Lingh foal due in Wellington first week of April !

New News...I just heard from a happy breeder to Lingh..
"My mare is named Wunderwelt, she is 7 this year. I got her in Vechta as a 4 year old. She
is wonderful to ride and I rode her until about a month ago. She has an excellent mind
and is doing changes,1/2pass,etc. She is an Elite  * mare by Furst Heindrich out of a Rhodiamont mare.
I chose Lingh as stud for her first foal because of his competitive record and ride-ability.
(Also the foal guarantee)
My mare is extremely ridable. I truly believe in a good mind as well as performance.
Keep your fingers crossed for me. Thanks ...

Launch of ‘Lessons’ Program by the Dressage Foundation




TEL (402) 434-8585, EMAIL:



(Lincoln, Nebraska) March 18, 2011 – Olympian Carol Lavell has said, “For most Young Riders, obtaining financial support becomes the ultimate hurdle.”  Through The Dressage Foundation’s new ‘Lessons in Fundraising and Giving’ Program, riders will learn valuable tools that will help them throughout their equestrian careers.

Program participants will learn how they can raise the financial support necessary to continue their education and career.  Participants will hear from people who have “been there, done that” as well as trained fundraising professionals.  The program will teach participants to be comfortable and competent with fundraising.

The internet-based program, taught through secure websites, launches March 21st to a select invitation-only group of young riders.  Lessons will be held twice per week for six weeks.  Upon completion of the program, participants will have the tools necessary to talk effectively with potential donors about their goals, their achievements, their passion for the sport AND how the donor can help them on a path to success!

Dates and times for subsequent sessions of the ‘Lessons in Fundraising and Giving’ Program will be determined upon the conclusion of the inaugural session and will be open to all who are interested.  If you are interested in applying, contact Melissa Filipi at  Program participants will pay a tuition fee and be required to raise matching funds using the skills and techniques taught during the program.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be eligible to apply for future training grants from a designated fund at The Dressage Foundation.  Completion of the program does not guarantee receipt of a grant.

Karin Offield and John F. Boomer (recently retired President and CEO of The Dressage Foundation) have worked diligently on the pioneering development of this creative program during the last two years.  Said John Boomer, “Fund raising knowledge is needed by almost all equestrians, no one is currently teaching it, and who better to do so than The Dressage Foundation whose very business is to raise money, manage it, and give it away.”

The Dressage Foundation

The Dressage Foundation is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax-exempt, donor-driven organization that is dedicated to supporting and advancing the sport of dressage.  The organization solicits contributions, appropriately allocates the donations, and awards grants and scholarships to dressage riders of all ages and levels.  For more information, please visit


visit our website at:
Celebrate the world of breeding: the Winner of the Lingh story contest now announced!
March 21 2011
Dear reader,
DD-Lingh Exclusive

Breeding is in the air. Stallion selections, stallion shows and stallion competitions are everywhere. Breeders all live their dream, visioning their dream to be born soon. Or to be born next year!

The perfect time to come back on written dreams in words, stories and poems.
What an amazing contest it was: write your favourite story on breeding and win a free covering from the all exciting Lingh! Lingh, the stallion Karin Offield fell in love with when Edward Gal rode him to the win in Grand Prix in Las Vegas in 2005 and now owns herself.

Front dream stallion Lingh Picture Arnd

Karin Offield didn’t sleep when all kind of stories and  poems arrived, from the USA of course, but also from Sweden and The Netherlands. Karin Offield explains: “It was an amazing experience for me! I can count on one hand the foals and mares I have had in my career. Now, because of this contest I have had a front row seat in all these amazing stories.  Most were non fiction and all of them celebrate the world of breeding horses – what happens, how it happens, when it happens and the effect these gentle creatures and their babies have on us, our psyche, on our hearts and how we have to be,  the human race as thick skinned as any animal lover is….our big big horses are so fragile, but it’s all about the adventure…the dream. This Lingh Story Contest celebrates this world! I want to congratulate every entrant and have called them all personally. Lots of stories, lots of emotions we have shared. This has made me very happy!”

The stories made Karin Offield very happy Photo by Marielle Andersson

Writers sent in multi lingual submissions, stories and poems about the passion of Breeding. The judges panel consisted of two American breeding experts, Tish Quirk of Carlsbad, California and Kathy Hickerson of Brookline, New Hampshire. The European panel consisted of Claartje Van Andel of the Amsterdam Area, Netherlands, dressagedirect’s owner, a professional Teacher of Language and Communications Expert. Karin Offield also asked Maucca Karki in the panel, Finnish born but living in the Netherlands too and a Breeder and Equestrian Consultant.
The judges were sent each entry without knowing the author’s name or background. Lingh’s owner Karin was the data technician who accepted and distributed the anonymous submissions to the judges. Karin was not a participant in the judging of the contest that began one year go in the early spring, February 19th 2010.

The winner!
And now the winner! All judges agreed on the winner. Finally Karin Reid Offield takes away the curtain and says:

“The Winner is Mary Bahniuk Lauritsen! Her story is entitled ‘Entranced'”

Mary Bahniuk Lauritsen is an accomplished FEI Young Rider reigning from Harvard, Massachusetts. Mary is currently balancing her riding and education while she attends Emmanuel College in Boston. Mary has been actively competing in dressage since she was nine years old and has successfully shown up to Prix St. Georges. Mary is active within the sport in and out of the saddle. She has been serving as the United States Dressage Federation’s Youth Executive Board President for a year and truly enjoys giving back to young riders across the nation as well as promoting the sport of dressage. Mary is one of seven members on the Dressage Trainers network where members share a common interest in teaching and growing as individual equestrians.

Outside of riding Mary enjoys traveling, vegetarian cuisine, social networking, and modeling.

Versatile Winner Mary Bahniuk Lauritsen

Mary was very excited to know she was chosen as the winner!

Karin Offield adds: “As for Lingh as a breeding stallion, he again made the breeders in Sweden very happy last year. His pregnancy rate is very high. We still are waiting to hear from 4 mare owners and if they confirm positive results, Lingh will boast a 93% pregnancy rate, even higher than last year and that makes me and the prospective breeders to Lingh all over Europe very happy. He is a wonderful stallion in character and his babies are easy to handle, saddle and ride.”
Karin Offield now can’t wait to see Dutch breeders to breed their best mares to Lingh and she is very happy to have Lingh incorporated in the breeding facilities Birkhof in the southern part of Germany this year.

Winner Mary Bahniuk will have to wait for another year to make her own dream of a Lingh Baby come true. She says: “My original plan was to breed my farm bred mare, Windsor-CF, to Lingh. When the opportunity arose to sell her to a great client we made the decision to sell her this summer and look for a more suitable brood mare to breed to Lingh. Currently I am speaking with reputable breeders in New England to find the right mare to lease or buy and then breed to Lingh. My plan is to find a mare that will compliment Lingh’s conformation and movement and provide me with a international quality foal for the future. I am very excited and am looking forward to this spring when I find the lucky mare who will bring my Lingh superstar into the World!”

Here is her winning story. Read and enjoy:


I remember it as if it were yesterday. My heart stood still as my eyes followed the graceful pair around the warm-up arena. My heart then began to beat again with each change of lead, every change straight, uphill, and as if the footing beneath his hooves had turned into springs. Not any of his fellow competitors kept me so entranced. It was this beautiful bay stallion, his electric legs, and focused eye that hypnotized not only myself but also those surrounding me on the sides of the World Equestrian Games warm-up arena in Aachen, Germany summer of 2006. Like a photo hungry paparazzi photographer, I filmed Lingh in his warm-up and in competition, my hand shaking in excitement, making these films quite unenjoyable to watch once arriving back in the states. I just wanted to capture the moment and remember it forever, shaky footage or not. Racing back and fourth from warm-up to the incredible Aachen stadium to witness his Grand Prix tests, I felt everyone else should have been doing the same, this horse exemplified so much and his partnership with Edward was intoxicating.

Entranced and intoxicated by Lingh and Edward Gal in Aachen 2006 Picture Arnd

It was the evening of the freestyles that would leave an even deeper mark in my teenage equestrian years. With over 60,000 spectators and only standing room left for viewing, my friends and family had found a perfect spot along the long side of the stadium to stand and watch the best in our sport compete in the most exciting event of the three days of competition. With the towering lights gleaming and a Germany summer’s cool spilling over the brimming stadium, he entered the arena. I could compare myself to one of those 1960’s Elvis-crazy teenagers you see in vintage films, the moment I saw his passaging legs dance through the gates and begin around the arena. The trance started, the pulsating beat of his freestyle woke up the crowd and murmuring and cheers could be heard as Lingh’s extended trot took him across the diagonal after his dramatic entrance. How fitting it was to have trance music for this horse because this is what this animal had down to me and the other 60,000 spectators. He had left us entranced. It was with this performance that I saw Lingh in person for the last time. His beauty and magnificence would never leave my memory after this week spent in Aachen. To this day I can look back and savour the moments I spent watching Lingh in Aachen and feel fortunate to have been left entranced by such a magnificent animal.

Since, and long before my time in Aachen, I have spent many wonderful years surrounded by my Dutch bred horses. A shining star that lives in our stable, and a star that we brought into the world in 2003 after breeding her dam to the renowned stallion, Contango, could be that serendipitous dam to a Lingh foal. To bring a piece of what I witnessed in Aachen into my stable and life would be an endless gift. As I come to my final year as an FEI young rider, I cannot think of a better way to begin my professional dressage career than to bring Lingh lineage into my life. I am ready to be entranced yet again.

Linghs beauty and magnificence would never leave my memory, Mary Bahniuk says.

Read more on winner Mary Bahniuk at

Find more on the incredible Lingh here

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Why I want Dutch Breeders to Pay Attention and Breed to Lingh

Over the last few years I have tried to work with several Dutch Breeders to select from their mare herd several of their best mares for Lingh.  Lingh has many young offspring now beginning to compete and develop in Holland.  As the owner of Lingh, I have a vested interest in everyone of these horses. I want to see them, promote them, ride them if I can – I want to be involved in their careers and that work will help me better understand Lingh’s promise as a sire of Champions. Today I can say that the foals are easy to handle, easy to ride during the early months and all of them exhibit a kind and gentle disposition.  Will they get to the highest level in sport ?  It depends on their riders and their owners.  I hope that the Dutch breeders will take my offers to breed to Lingh seriously – and breed to Lingh this season.  We want to return to Den Bosch and the stallion approvals soon….if you want to discuss Lingh and my interest in Dutch mares, write to me at  I will translate ( badly ) so don’t hesitate if your written english is not so good.  If any one reading this would be kind enough to translate this for me, I would thank you !   Take care from America, Karin

“RIDING HORSES There’s Magic In The Air”, Equestrian Club, Wellington, Fl.

Karin Offield and her poster created for JUMPERS – THE FILM

In the colors of the National Horse Show, where many of the galas

took place during the films production, now hangs in the Equestrian

Club, at WEF in Wellington, Florida.

Covers and Titles…yea Lingh…..

Lingh’s father and motherline – updated information

Lingh’s pedigree has been incorrect on this website …..and it was brought to my attention today.  Thank you for your assistance in setting the record straight.  We were confused with two stallions of the same name.   The DETAIL is as follows:                                                            ==============================================

Lingh’s sire, the Preferent stallion Flemmingh, was one the most famous dressage stallions in the KWPN. He placed third at his performance test in 1990, scoring three 9s, including a 9 for jumping. Flemmingh is the sire of Anky van Grunsven’s now retired Grand Prix horse Krack C, as well as Cathy Morelli’s BeSe, and Imke Schellekens-Bartels’ Melvin, among many other notable dressage horses and numerous ster and keur mares. Flemmingh’s offspring are big moving, tall, athletic, and long lined horses with three excellent gaits and an outstanding temperament.  He is known for passing on the “knee action” that makes his movement so appealing as well as the wonderful temperment.

Lingh’s pedigree offers performance blood that is sought the world-over. In 2009, a colt by Flemmingh (sire of Lingh) was the 2009 Oldenburg studbook stallion approvals champion. Also in 2009, a Vivaldi stallion was the Reserve Champion stallion of the Westphalian approvals. Vivaldi is by Krack C, a son of Flemmingh.

In 2010, FOUR Lingh colts entered the preliminary rounds for the KWPN approvals: C-Lingh MK, Cocksdorp Texel, Clint and Chideon. All four of these 2007 colts were still owned by their breeders, emphasizing their pride in these horses’ futures.

Lingh’s sire Flemmingh is by Lacapo, who was licensed in Holstein in 1982. In Dr. Dietrich Rossow’s Holsteiner Breed Book, Lacapo is described as a “medium sized stallion with good expression and beautiful neck carriage… a very good mover. Offspring of medium frame with beautiful faces and lots of appeal. Very good movers.” Lacapo hails from the world famous Holstein stallion and “sire of the century,” Landgraf I. Landgraf’s list of show jumping progeny is endless, producing names like Freestyle (aka Lalique): winner of the Grand Prix at Aachen; Libero: the five time Dutch National Champion and ’94 World Cup winner; Linaro: 1991 Champion Holsteiner Stallion; and Landadel: 1985 100 Day Test Champion at Medingen and a sire in his own right of top dressage and jumping offspring.

Lingh’s dam Gazelle has been rewarded with the highest mare prizes of the KWPN: Ster, Pref, Prest. Gazelle’s sire Columbus jumped at international level with Jos Lansink. Gazelle’s line goes back further to the famous thoroughbred stallions Lucky Boy xx and Uppercut xx.

Lucky Boy xx contributed to Dutch sport horse breeding by siring many top jumpers on the international scene. Lucky Boy xx sired Calypso – Reserve Champion of the 1980 World Cup final and Winner of the 1982 final in Göteborg. Jacob Melissen comments in his 92/93 edition of The Leading Sires of the Netherlands that “Calypso has been of fundamental importance to the development of show jumping in the ‘new style’, he was one of those elastic, plucky horses that perform intelligently and are keen to tackle anything without being too hot. Bold horses, with a light-footed canter. The kind of horses in which the athletic action of the Thoroughbred is united with the balanced character of the part-bred. That’s what Calypso was, and that’s precisely what Lucky Boy contributed to Dutch sport horse breeding.”  Lucky Boy sired 16 stallion sons, the most famous of which was Octrooi, who had a successful career in the USA under the name Best of Luck.  THREE Lucky Boy offspring attended the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles: Van Gogh, The Freak, and Medrano.

Lucky Boy sired 16 Stallion Sons

Uppercut XX sired 15 approved sons, including Nabuur, an international show jumper who went on to sire many international jumpers including The Saint ridden by Alwin Schockemohle of Germany. Uppercut’s sire Fighting Don was a grandson of Sir Gallahad III. Sir Gallahad III was a French Thoroughbred of tremendous influence in US racehorse industry.  Sir Gallahad sired 65 Graded stakes race winners and was the United States Champion Sire four times. He was the sire of Preakness Stakes winner High QuestJockey Club Gold Cup and multiple stakes winner Fenelon, and a record three Kentucky Derbywinners: Gallahadion,Hoop Jr., and Gallant Fox, who won the U.S. Triple Crown. Sir Gallahad also sired Roman, who won eighteen races and in turn sired fifty-four stakes winners, including Champion and Preakness Stakes winner Hasty Road.  Lingh’s pedigree represents generations of famous, awarded, and performing horses!


Beau (Lingh x Sweetie W v. Ferro)

2009 KWPN Stallion Show Reserve Champion Dressage Stallion

2009 KWPN Select Sale Highest priced Dressage Stallion 195,100 euros

Landmark VT (Lingh x Odet II v. Jorn – Faram)

2008 Great American Insurance Group/USDF Breeders’ Championships Series Final

Colt/Gelding Championship – East Coast Series/Dressage at Devon #5 77.250%

2008 Champion Dressage at Devon ISR/Oldenburg 2 and Under Class with 80.40%

2008 Dressage at Lexington Champion Colt and Reserve Champion Young Horse

Bergen (Lingh x Vjerakelly v. Inspekteur – Ferro)

2007 Adequan/USDF DHSB Horse of the Year Awards, Yearling Colts/Geldings: #3 Bergen (KWPN-NA) 77.700%

Erotica (Lingh x Royale Diamant v. Sauvage Diamant – Utrecht)

2009 NEDA Fall Festival Top Filly of 2009 Born in the USA 72.9%

Links w/offspring detail:

Faline Lingh, filly born 4/4/2010 California – bred

I am always so happy to hear from the Lingh breeders….if you you read back into the New News, you will discover that this breeder, Catherine, deserves all the happiness in the world.  She owned the little Lingh colt that ate all the walnuts from a tree and gave a valiant effort, but did not make it.  A very tough boy.  Catherine came back to us and she is the proud owner of Faline Lingh. She writes….“Measuring in at 14.1 hands high,my Faline Lingh is thriving, and she seems to be in the midst of a growth spurt. She is so sweet, like sunshine on a cloudy day 🙂 ”

The horses are the center of our worlds

St. Georg Magazine

Lingh on The Cover, The Title, The Fronts Piece, St. Georg !

Another winning Lingh filly ! Busilus, 2006

“Hi Karin, my Lingh filly did really well at the British Dressage Regionals at the weekend and qualified for the winter championships.  I am so very very pleased 69.4% and  scored a 71% in the music.  I will send you a photo as soon as I have one and hopefully a mention in this weeks Horse and Hound.  It’s still early days but she certainly has a bright future and the judges said she is amazing !!! Take care, Samantha”    More details and photos to follow

Lingh accepted for Selle Francais dressage breeding program

Selle Français Breeding News:

Following a licensing on Wednesday 16 February 2011, the French Selle Francais breed society accepted six dressage stallions for breeding.

The Selle Français studbook is extremely focused on show jumping breeding and needs to rely on a small group of devoted dressage breeders to boost the dressage influx within the breed.

Two dressage colts were approved for the SF studbook.

They are Nicolet van Lierop’s former 19-year old Grand Prix stallion Ferrolan (by Ferro x Ramiro x Abgar xx)

and the German bred Lord Sunshine (by Lord Loxley x Enim Pascha/T).

Four stallions were accepted for the special Selle Francais dressage breeding program

in partnership with France Dressage.

They are:

Little Charly (by Lord Loxley x Florestan)

Sirtaki (by Sir Donnerhall x Painter’s Row xx)

Dr. Jackson (by Dream of Glory x Rubinstein)

Lingh (by Flemmingh x Columbus)

Congratulations to everyone that made this possible !

Lorette – A Beautiful Lingh Filly –


5-23-09 FILLY “Lorette” out of Wolkenbrooke (Wolkenstein II – Wertherson) Breeder:  Floyd Miller, Cottonwood Springs Ranch, Bayfield, Colorado

Consider Lingh to be the Father of your Foals !

Consider Lingh to be the Father of your Foals.  When you are considering the stallion for your mares, look at Lingh’s performance records, his character and his foals.  You will not be disappointed !

Lingh and Karin at see the video go to the Lingh Video Library or to You tube

Hexagon’s Louisville aka Labo – KWPN Update ! Congratulations to Louisville !

The KWPN of North America has upgraded Louisville to an “Erkend” Stallion due to his approval with the OHBS (GOV).  This means his foals out of Dutch mares can now be registered Foalbook A, instead of Foalbook B

The Registries and Licensing of Lingh – Consider LINGH in your breeding program

Hannoverian Verband
American Hanoverian Society
Oldenburg Verband
Swedish WarmBlood
Swedish Warmblood Association of North America
Finnish Warmblood
Canadian Sport Horse Association
Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association
Recommended by Selle Francais

Introducing Good Hart

New horses are always exciting. This son of Patrick, a stallion from Michigan arrived at BreknRidge Farm and is being trained by Karin Offield.  More details to follow !

Training to Upper Level

Why breed to Lingh ? – Flemmingh !

* Stallions with the most progeny in the PaardenFokken database in international sports

Best dressage stallions*

Name                  Count