Hanoverian Breeding News
The chestnut Hanoverian licensed stallion Tiamo Trocadero (by Trapper x Darling) has passed away at Ken Borden’s Little Bit Farm in Illinois at age 23. The impressive stallion died of natural cause as he was turned out for some exercise.
Bred by Siebert Siers in Germany, Tiamp Trocadero was by Trapper out of Diana (by Darling x Traumgeist xx). The stallion made his mark in the show ring as an international Grand Prix dressage horse for over 10 years, starting his FEI career under Rudolf Zeilinger.
In 1999 Hubertus Schmidt won the German Championships for Professional Dressage Riders in Bad Honnef with the stallion. Afterwards the chestnut was sold to Great Britain and ridden by British Emile Faurie who became the alternate for the British team that competed at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. In the early 2000s American Karin Offield-Reid acquired the stallion and competed him in the U.S.A. Together they garnered five USDF All-Breeds awards at Prix St. Georges and Intermediare I and won two Regional Championships before successfully moving up to Grand Prix competitions.
“Tiamo was an amazing stallion to get to know, both as a riding horse and as a breeding stallion,” said Offield. “He loved to work and had an amazing capacity to please the rider. He was not an easy horse to ride correctly, but I did not care – he was a gifted teacher and when he was brilliant – he was remarkable.”
Press release from LITTLE BIT FARM
Little Bit Farm is deeply saddened to report the sudden and unexpected death of Grand Prix stallion Reuters Tiamo Trocadero on Friday, February 11, 2011. The 24-year-old Hanoverian stallion was found within an hour of being turned out for the second time that day. He appeared to have gone quickly and quietly, dying of natural causes.
Tiamo touched many lives in his long and successful career. He has been winning at Grand Prix since he was eight years old, competing in Europe’s top CDIs and scoring over 70% at Aachen, Hichstead, Arnheim, and Munich. He qualified for the 2000 Sydney Olympics, was an alternate for the British team, and subsequently took his American amateur owner, Karin Offield, to multiple USDF year-end awards at FEI levels. In 2010, at age 23, Tiamo continued to be sound and successful in the show ring with owner Ken Borden, Jr. His Grand Prix median score was over 70%.
Tiamo was playful and showed great joy for life; and when it was time to groom and tack up, he was happy to get to work. “He loved to work. He thought he had no limits,” said Borden of his stallion.
Although his career as a stud has been relatively short (with one exception, his first foal crop arrived in 2008), it is clear that Tiamo passes on his elastic movement, his flashy chrome, and his brave, confident temperament. His legacy will live on in his sons and daughters, including Borden’s “next stallion prospect,” Tiamo’s Royal Reid, who was bred by Karin Offield. Frozen semen will ensure that Tiamo Trocadero will continue to enrich the world of high-performance partners for years to come.
From Karin:
When writing about a love affair with a horse it makes me as the writer quite small, because this horse had a BIG life. He traveled around the world, securing a reserve seat for the British at Sidney Australia Olympics in 2000 with Emile Faurie and earlier in his career he was ridden by Rudolf Zeilinger and Hubertus Schmidt. Tiamo competed in Europe’s top CDIs, including Aachen, Arnheim and Munich.
Tiamo came my way on a buying trip to Europe in the early 90’s. Bernard Ix was the agent at the time and he was genuinely excited when he told me and Michael Etherly about Tiamo. I rode the big beautiful chestnut easily that day, he was tuned up and ready for an amateur rider ! Bernard had this big grin on his face and needless to say I was smitten ! I loved Tiamo immediately.

What a face he had...he'd look me right in the eye !
I was not able to afford him, so I offered Bernard half price, and he said “Yes” ! I could not believe it. He was 15 at the time, and I knew that if I was going to learn Grand Prix I would have to have a horse that could teach me….and he was perfect ! One day in Northern Michigan we were training indoors and Michael had me trot to the center line and halt and then he asked me to trot off…well, I tried but Tiamo said no I will stay here and piaffe until you ask me correctly ! I laughed and laughed, after the frustration and tears had subsided. Tiamo continued to teach me every step of the way until I was able to enter my first Grand Prix. READ THE STORY BELOW….Compliments of Dressage Today
DressageToday Tiamo
The learning intensified for Tiamo and me when I began riding with Robert Dover. He loved Tiamo, admiring the stallions’ work ethic and desire to please. In the words of Robert Dover, “Tiamo exhibits both the extreme beauty and exquisite gaits which made his father a legend. His excellent temperament and trainability also account for Tiamo’s rise to success in the international Grand Prix ring where he has remained over a decade as a top competitor.”

Robert and Karin training at Joli Burell's beautiful Halcyon Farms on Wellington
This Stallion taught me alot. I remember one day in Southhampton where we stabled for the summer, Tiamo reared and reared so tall and straight that I slid off with my feet still in the stirrups, the leathers having slid off from the “open safety position.” Thank goodness ! He taught me to mount in 10 seconds, no leaning down to fix my stirrups and no nonsense at the mounting block. He taught me to be precise, he taught me that less is more and he taught me how to ride a beautiful elegant stallion. He was my professor so I could ride Lingh. I will forever be grateful to Michael and Bernard for bringing him to me – that’s what horse deals are all about – introducing riders to their next teachers and partners.

Good Boy

Tiamo Trocadero
Any stories you have about Tiamo I would love to post them here, send them to me at info@offieldfarms.com. Check out his page on my stallion page on this website. Stay tuned for more stories about Tiamo’s offspring. Frozen semen is available.