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Buying a beginner Dressage horse for a Client

The winner...Rising Sun

In early February, I had the pleasure to meet my client in Wellington to buy a horse for her. We had a successful trip and the new mare will be arriving soon at BreknRidge Farm.  I want to thank Nancy Anderson and seller Nancy Hutson for their attention to detail and good old common sense during the purchase. You both made my job as the agent easy and fun.  I hope that this new partnership of Nancy’s with Rising Sun brings you great education, fun and progress. Horse deals are put together by professionals.  It is our job to seek out people you can trust because of long term friendships and for new acquaintances we always remember that word of mouth from one “dealer” to another will make or break our career.  While in Florida, I had the pleasure of working with Carol Grant, Marcel van der Berg, Sue Roberto, , Ruth Ann Poulson, Heidi Degeli and Betsey Steiner.

They each brought me suitable candidates to consider and try out and I would be able to recommend most of the horses we tried !   Which horse was my favorite ?  The one that Nancy bought of course, after that was a paint horse that I loved riding….and then my second favorite for Nancy was amazing….he could compete in the Pan Am’s and a pillow to ride….

A great ride but too young for us

The Pillow !

So the journey of finding the right horse does not always have a happy ending. Sometimes the one a rider falls in love with just is not the horse for the job.  When that occurs you suck it up and go and find another, hopefully a better horse.  I have purchased and sold hundreds of horses and I think that the excitement of the deal, of the right time right place never fades, because when miracles happen, whether it is buying a stallion like Tiamo or Lingh or a gentle mare with a goodness that is so apparent like Rising Sun the pleasure it gives all the professionals and the buyers and sellers involved is worth the journey. We had a very lucky day.  Thank you everyone. KO

a Journey to France ? Meet these important Dressage experts !

Sunday in Germany was quite a day.  The winter weather cleared and the skies were blue and the air crisp with the idea of spring…but that was it.  It was icy and the roads were difficult to negotiate!  At Gestut Birkhof we had a tour and then a wonderful brunch with new acquaintances that I hope to get to know better as the years go on. Next summer we discussed and would like to organize a trip to the great Dressage Show in Lyon in the south of France , if I can find a travel agent interested in the adventure!  It was a dream of mine to become acquainted with the horsemen and women in France as I have admiration for their world.

Welcome to Germany

*Sabine Mottet is the contact in France for the Southern German Breeding Associations in France and also the contact in France for the Gestüt Birkhof. She was also elected in the same time as Caroline Rioche as a member of the conseil d’administration of France Dressage.
*Thomas Casper – Gestut Birkhof
* Madame Laure de Saint Priest is the présidente de France Dressage, the association which develops the breeding of dressage horses in France.
* Madame Caroline Rioche is a member of the conseil of France Dressage and  breeding dressage horses.
* Dr. Patrick Collard is the président de la commission technique de France Dressage, he decides about the list of the stallions to submit to the commission of the stud-book of the ANSF and he is a veterinary doctor specialized in d’administration insemination of mares.
* Karin Reid Offield – owner of Lingh


Hanoverian Breeding News
The chestnut Hanoverian licensed stallion Tiamo Trocadero (by Trapper x Darling) has passed away at Ken Borden’s Little Bit Farm in Illinois at age 23. The impressive stallion died of natural cause as he was turned out for some exercise.
Bred by Siebert Siers in Germany, Tiamp Trocadero was by Trapper out of Diana (by Darling x Traumgeist xx). The stallion made his mark in the show ring as an international Grand Prix dressage horse for over 10 years, starting his FEI career under Rudolf Zeilinger.
In 1999 Hubertus Schmidt won the German Championships for Professional Dressage Riders in Bad Honnef with the stallion. Afterwards the chestnut was sold to Great Britain and ridden by British Emile Faurie who became the alternate for the British team that competed at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.  In the early 2000s American Karin Offield-Reid acquired the stallion and competed him in the U.S.A. Together they garnered five USDF All-Breeds awards at Prix St. Georges and Intermediare I and won two Regional Championships before successfully moving up to Grand Prix competitions.
“Tiamo was an amazing stallion to get to know, both as a riding horse and as a breeding stallion,” said Offield. “He loved to work and had an amazing capacity to please the rider. He was not an easy horse to ride correctly, but I did not care – he was a gifted teacher and when he was brilliant – he was remarkable.”

Press release from LITTLE BIT FARM

Little Bit Farm is deeply saddened to report the sudden and unexpected death of Grand Prix stallion Reuters Tiamo Trocadero on Friday, February 11, 2011.  The 24-year-old Hanoverian stallion was found within an hour of being turned out for the second time that day.  He appeared to have gone quickly and quietly, dying of natural causes.

Tiamo touched many lives in his long and successful career.  He has been winning at Grand Prix since he was eight years old, competing in Europe’s top CDIs and scoring over 70% at Aachen, Hichstead, Arnheim, and Munich. He qualified for the 2000 Sydney Olympics, was an alternate for the British team, and subsequently took his American amateur owner, Karin Offield, to multiple USDF year-end awards at FEI levels.  In 2010, at age 23, Tiamo continued to be sound and successful in the show ring with owner Ken Borden, Jr.  His Grand Prix median score was over 70%.

Tiamo was playful and showed great joy for life; and when it was time to groom and tack up, he was happy to get to work.  “He loved to work.  He thought he had no limits,” said Borden of his stallion.

Although his career as a stud has been relatively short (with one exception, his first foal crop arrived in 2008), it is clear that Tiamo passes on his elastic movement, his flashy chrome, and his brave, confident temperament.  His legacy will live on in his sons and daughters, including Borden’s “next stallion prospect,” Tiamo’s Royal Reid, who was bred by Karin Offield.  Frozen semen will ensure that Tiamo Trocadero will continue to enrich the world of high-performance partners for years to come.

From Karin:

When writing about a love affair with a horse it makes me as the writer quite small, because this horse had a BIG life. He traveled around the world, securing a reserve seat for the British at Sidney Australia Olympics in 2000 with Emile  Faurie and earlier in his career he was ridden by Rudolf Zeilinger and Hubertus Schmidt. Tiamo competed in Europe’s top CDIs, including Aachen, Arnheim and Munich.

Tiamo came my way on a buying trip to Europe in the early 90’s.  Bernard Ix was the agent at the time and he was genuinely excited when he told me and Michael Etherly about Tiamo.  I rode the big beautiful chestnut easily that day, he was tuned up and ready for an amateur rider !   Bernard had this big grin on his face and needless to say I was smitten !  I loved Tiamo immediately.

What a face he had...he'd look me right in the eye !

I was not able to afford him, so I offered Bernard half price, and he said “Yes” !   I could not believe it.  He was 15 at the time, and I knew that if I was going to learn Grand Prix I would have to have a horse that could teach me….and he was perfect !  One day in Northern Michigan we were training indoors and Michael had me trot to the center line and halt and then he asked me to trot off…well, I tried but Tiamo said no I will stay here and piaffe until you ask me correctly !  I laughed and laughed, after the frustration and tears had subsided.  Tiamo continued to teach me every step of the way until I was able to enter my first Grand Prix. READ THE  STORY BELOW….Compliments of Dressage Today

DressageToday Tiamo

The learning intensified for Tiamo and me when I began riding with Robert Dover.  He loved Tiamo, admiring the stallions’ work ethic and desire to please. In the words of Robert Dover,  “Tiamo exhibits both the extreme beauty and exquisite gaits which made his father a legend. His excellent temperament and trainability also account for Tiamo’s rise to success in the international Grand Prix ring where he has remained over a decade as a top competitor.”

Robert and Karin training at Joli Burell's beautiful Halcyon Farms on Wellington

This Stallion taught me alot. I remember one day in Southhampton where we stabled for the summer, Tiamo reared and reared so tall and straight that I slid off with my feet still in the stirrups, the leathers having slid off from the “open safety position.” Thank goodness !  He taught me to mount in 10 seconds, no leaning down to fix my stirrups and  no nonsense at the mounting block. He taught me to be precise, he taught me that less is more and he taught me how to ride a beautiful elegant stallion.  He was my professor so I could ride Lingh. I will forever be grateful to Michael and Bernard for bringing him to me – that’s what horse deals are all about – introducing riders to their next teachers and partners.

Good Boy

Tiamo Trocadero

Any stories you have about Tiamo I would love to post them here, send them to me at Check out his page on my stallion page on this website. Stay tuned for more stories about Tiamo’s offspring. Frozen semen is available.

Happy Valentines from Karin *** Lingh Language

I spent 30 minutes on the phone the other day attempting to write down the name and address of a colleague in Holland.  When I returned home, I went onto my computer to realize that at least 4 letters of the addresses were incorrect !  So I talked it over with Lingh, ha ha, and we decided to come up with the Universal Airline Language for spelling…and call it The Lingh Language for Horse People !  …please print out the pdf  below, and keep this guide in your wallet, give one to a friend or email it to your friends around the world. I hope this helps you make sure the spelling of words in all languages are correct,

Best Wishes, Karin

Click on this pdf link and print    Lingh Language

Valentine’s wishes to Thomas Casper and his family from people around the World !

An email from Kentucky:
“Just today I discovered the You Tube clip of Lingh with Bo Jena on the long rein. Wonderful…thrilling….beautiful. I was so moved by your precious stallion and his obvious good soul. No wonder you are in love. Bo Jena wasn’t too hard to watch, either.
Long ago I was friends with Thomas and his parents and brother. The Caspers sent many good young girls to us to help here on the farm with grooming and riding in the late ’80s and early ’90s. Our connection was through the Vechta auction which I rode in ’86 and ’87 when Thomas was also working the auction. They are very good people with plenty of love and understanding for their horses. Good luck to you in the future and big hugs for wonderful Lingh.

Another email from a fan: “I have visited Birkhof and it is an amazing place, so full of competence and tradition, lovely family the Caspers. Hope for good success for Lingh – his predecessor being the great thoroughbred stallion Heraldik.”

An email from the UK : ” I do a lot of work with Thomas and they are a lovely stud. I will be in touch with them if I have clients for Lingh.”

An email from Ken : “Hi Karin, I have to say that you have made a super choice in putting Lingh with Thomas Casper and Gestut Birkhof, he is a super man to deal with and very professional and honest.  So well done.”

Valentine’s Video from Lingh

Click on the LINK below –  We created this last year, enjoy it again.

February 14 2010

Happy Birthday to Clingh, Lingh colt born 2/11/07

Dear Dear Clingh, son of Lingh…we all wish you a very happy birthday and we want to show off your amazing America accommodations in Wellington. Your owners, Winged Foot Stable,  Family Dunagan and Family Seley – Kathleen and John will brag about your balance, form and perfect manners….”Lingh is our wunderkind! ” Enjoy your birthday party tomorrow night and don’t eat much cake !

Clingh and Karin Offield,with proud Owners Candra Seley and Kathleen Dunagan

Wellington - double stall, three beach is very good !

Clingh - Lingh's Offspring - looking ahead in Sport !

"Clingh Clingh"

The Back Story:

“Clingh, born in February of 2007, was bred in Holland by Angenita Grande, and stabled under the exquisite care and supervision of John Maarse Stables. Clingh is out of Uguletta, daughter of the well known Digoletta mare, who had a successful career as an eventer. Clingh born jet black, later morphed into a bay colt, and now, taking after his dam, is a beautiful dappled gray.  He currently stands at 16.2 hands and is still growing.

Already Clingh has distinguished himself by scoring one of the higher scores in the KWPN Keurring.  Up until October, 2010, he was a still a stallion. After much consideration, his handlers in Holland and new owners, decided to geld him and bring him to the United States.

Already at just a bit over 3 ½ years of age, he is quiet, happy, forward and supple under saddle. His trainers, Grand Prix rider, Shannon Dueck  and Vera Renstaedt, are going to bring him along at his own pace, hopefully showing him next season in Wellington.

Sellers and Lingh Offspring Owners –

We are searching for 2006 – 2007 Lingh offspring to buy or train.  Please contact me.

We are in Southern Germany at the Suddeutsche Hengsttage !

Thank you for your fantastic welcome to Lingh tonight !

We were proud to take part in the Gala ….

Love, Karin and Lingh

Happy for the warm welcome.

Franz Lauster is managing director of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Horse Breeders Association (GMA).

Lingh is presented in Munich, Germany at the Suddeutsche Hengsttage Korung & Auktion

Friday evening January 28 at the Olympia – Reitanlage Munchen-Riem  Lingh will be presented. Please join us.

Stallion Days Munich: Southern German Stallion Licensing and Auction

January 27th through 29th, 2011

Young stallions, mostly 3 years old, from the whole Southern German region will assemble in Munich again in January for our traditional licensing event. This is a must for breeders but also for equestrians who are looking for talented young horses, since most of the stallions will become for sale.

USA/CAN: For more information please contact Susanne Lauda at +1 770 265 4356
or send an email to   Baden-Wurttemberg Breed Registry 
The Munich Stallion Days are a joint event of five Southern German Breed Registries and comprise
 a stallion licensing, a subsequent auction and a gala night right after the licensing.
The 2011 gala night on January 28th, 2011 was the perfect platform to present Lingh to
the breeders in Southern Germany as well as to the visitors from all around the globe.
Lingh will be standing at stud for the current season at the Birkhof in Baden-Wurttemberg
(see also previous news).
Karin Reid Offield announced that Lingh will be standing at
stud at the Birkhof for the 2011 breeding season.
The private stud Birkhof is owned by Thomas Casper, and is
home to a number of successful stallions. The KWPN stallion
 Lingh was internationally shown by Edward Gal who won a team
silver medal at the 2006 WEG in Aachen, and an individual
silver medal at the 2005 World Cup in LasVegas with him.
He was then shown successfully in the US by his new owner
Karin Offield. Lingh is by Flemmingh x Columbus.
Hassler Dressage remains the US agent and representative for Lingh.

Lingh – A Breeding Stallion is described as follows…..

A member of the Dutch A-Team, Lingh won extensive Grand Prixs at CDIs across Europe under Edward Gal. His career highlight was his breathtaking win of the GP Silver Medal at the 2005 World Cup in Las Vegas. His rise to success in the international arena impressed the KWPN licensing committee and they awarded Lingh his lifetime breeding license.

Under current owner and amateur rider Karin Offield, Lingh made an impressive presence throughout the United States. Lingh’s elegant exterior, his lengthy, uphill neck and beautifully angled shoulder emphasize his extreme, natural shoulder freedom. He bears a good croup and correct, straight legs. Lingh comes from the famous KWPN dressage stallion, Flemmingh, sire of Anky van Grunsven’s Krack C. Further in Lingh’s top pedigree one finds Landgraf, Capitano, Cor de la Bryere, and Ladykiller. Lingh’s dam Gazelle was awarded highest honors by the KWPN: Ster, Preferent, Prestatie. Her bloodlines include Columbus, Uppercut xx, and Cesar. Columbus, an international jumper, was sired by the renowned thoroughbred stallion Lucky Boy.

Lingh’s American foal crops have earned First Premium KWPN-NA ratings, Premium Foal Oldenburg, NA awards, and AHS Site Champion awards. In 2008, Landmark VT (ds. Jorn) was Reserve Champion Colt at Dressage at Lexington. At Devon, Landmark VT won his IBC class and placed 5th in the USDF/Cosequin Colt Championships. Represented by two foals of 2008, Lingh placed 5th in the Get of Sire class, ahead of many well-proven stallions. At the 2009 KWPN Stallion Licensing, Lingh’s son Beau was the Reserve Champion Dressage Stallion. Beau is bred by Ferro’s owner out of a Ferro mare.

Lingh’s pedigree, gorgeous type, conformation, and fine gaits make him a great candidate for any dressage or hunter/jumper program.


This month Lingh has been receiving attention from Germany. On his own merit, the Bloodline of Lingh ala Flemmingh represents the diversity that the breeder of today  is looking for. Lingh’s mother line is very strong and I offer the following information about this influence.

Lingh’s dam Gazelle has been rewarded with the highest mare prizes of the KWPN: Ster, Pref, Prest.Gazelle’s sire Columbus jumped at international level with Jos Lansink. Gazelle’s line goes back further to the famous thoroughbred stallions Lucky Boy xx and Uppercut xx. This fantastic breeding family has already produced 7 approved stallions.

Lucky Boy has had a stellar jumping career. He placed well at CHIO Verona, Cervia, San Patrignano, Rome, Modena, Palermo, Bagnaia, Ascona, Münster, Dortmund and Spangenberg. In 2003, he joined Marcus Ehning’s Stable and he was victorious at the Masters in Vigo, runner up at the Audi-Championat in Münster, 3rd place in the finale of the Sires of the World competition in Hertogenbosch and 4th place in the Championat of Dortmund.

At a young age Lucky Boy was approved for the stud-book Unire (Italy) and later he was approved by both the French stud-book Selle Francais and the Belgian stud-book, S.B.S., on account of his achievements in the sport. Lucky Boy has been the No. 1 Stallion in Italy based on the winnings of his Offspring for the last 7 years! From the 2008-2009 KWPN Stallion Show, there are three Lucky Boy offspring that will attend the second round in  ‘s Hertogenbosch in theNetherlands.  Another offspring from Lucky Boy, out of the dam of Coriano, by the name of “Ai Ai Ai”  won the VSN-Final Championship for 3-year old jumping-horses!  This incredible stallion was also approved by the Holsteiner Verband (Stamm 776) and the Irish Horse Board in 2007.

Lucky Boy is the sire of a series of international jumping horses, of which his most famous offspring are Calando (Björn Nagel) and Cabinett I (Dirk Schröder). Lucky Boy has over 200 mares worldwide that foaled in 2008.

Uppercut XX sired 15 approved sons, including Nabuur, an international show jumper who went on to sire many international jumpers including The Saint ridden by Alwin Schockemohle of Germany. Uppercut’s sire Fightig Don was a grandson of Sir Gallahad III. Sir Gallahad III was a French Thoroughbred of tremendous influence in US racehorse industry.

Sir Gallahad sired 65 Graded stakes race winners and was the United States Champion Sire four times. He was the sire of Preakness Stakes winner High QuestJockey Club Gold Cup and multiple stakes winner Fenelon, and a record three Kentucky Derby winners: Gallahadion,Hoop Jr., and Gallant Fox, who won the U.S. Triple Crown. Sir Gallahad also sired Roman, who won eighteen races and in turn sired fifty-four stakes winners, including Champion and Preakness Stakes winner Hasty Road.

French Breeding ?? Oui je parle francais, mais nur un peu.

‘” I think the French will LOVE Lingh! He is so much their type and his disposition is perfect for their mare base!” German Edition reports….


Lingh auf Gestüt Birkhof

„Ich hatte schon immer den Wunsch, einmal einen weltweit bekannten Hengst aufzustellen. Mit Lingh wird der Traum wahr“, strahlt Thomas Casper wenn er an seinen Neuzugang denkt. Der unter Edward Gal international erfolgreiche KWPN-Hengst Lingh v. Flemmingh wird eine Box im Hengststall auf dem Gestüt Birkhof in Donzdorf beziehen.

Der unter Edward Gal international erfolgreiche KWPN-Hengst Lingh Foto: WC Las Vegas 2005, Jan Gyllensten

Weitere Infos unter


The Art of Keeping a Horse Between You and the Ground – Author Unknown


I was asked why I sent Lingh to Germany. Thomas Casper is reason #1, then I saw that Lingh had fans in Passau, Damme, Bochum, Dortmund, Wurselen, Berlin, Hannover, Buxtehude, Wedel, Mettmann, Franfort, Osnabruck, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Essen, Stuggart, and Munich…..and  my father always spoke of Germany and his love for their horses…

So we are going to Munich !  More details to follow…

UPDATE !! Congratulations LINGH !! How is Lingh as a Breeding Stallion?

Lingh was successful breeding all mares but 3 this year in Sweden !  GALL !   If the numbers

are correct…”Yes, it’s a super high pregnancy rate…I’d call it stellar! 93.9%   🙂 ”

Remember too, that Karl-henrik, the Breeding Director at Flyinge said that many of the

mares were older, retired Dressage horses, some mares were

breeding for the very first time !  Yea Lingh !

Beau – A Photo

Beau - Lingh's most famous son, living in Sweden

Make Our Day !! A nice letter from a Lingh Fan ! BREEDING THREE TIMES TO LINGH ! SAME MARE.

Default What an opportunity !!!

I’m so excited for Lingh. He definately pulled the “lucky straw” when Karin Offield bought him. As she did in one of her posts Lingh needs no introduction to the Dressage World. From his own pedigree to his own achievments he is a SUPERSTAR !! I’ve bred a lot of horses but I’ve never had the privilege to work with someone so dedicated to everyone & to her horse as Karin Offield is. She has no doubt has given Lingh the utmost opportunity to be successful in the breeding shed as well. I just watched Bo Jena & Lingh on YouTube in that “long-lining” SPECTACULAR !!! He is so awesome. He is in such phenomenal condition. But now he’s off to the next chapter of his great life in Germany. Not that I’m bragging (OK, yes I’m about to brag) I not only have one dog in this fight but I have 2 ! I bred my Cocktail mare “Nathalia” to Lingh not once but twice. I have 2 outstanding colts. Both completely different but have sooo much in common. What they have in common is they’re both exceptionally intelligent and are so easy to work with. Both have terrific conformation and jaw droping movement. My oldest is a late foal but in his 3 yr old year and I can’t wait to ride him. The Yearling I’m dying to ride too but that will have to wait. Now we’re going to have to get Nathalia bred to him again this year. How lucky in life am I ? I have virtually the only mare by the great Cocktail in North America. And you know whats even better? I have 2 colts by LINGH out of that great COCKTAIL mare !!

From Karin….We thank you!!  You can find the Video of Bo Jena and Lingh on the Home Page and in New News on December 24th – our Christmas present to Lingh’s fans.

Lingh to Germany


In January 2011 Karin and Offield Farms announces that Lingh will be standing in Germany for the 2011 Breeding Season. ”    I am thrilled to have made this decision for Lingh.    He is turning out to be an excellent breeding stallion, producing quality foals that have the minds and character to become super sport horses.    Youngsters by Lingh are showing lots of quality and ability for dressage and jumping.    I have enough information now to say that they are easy for breeders and riders to handle, have terrific trainability, and show great work ethic – so similar to Lingh!    Breeding to produce “a champion” takes teamwork and I’m satisfied that in co-operation with Gestut Birkhof in southern Germany, Lingh can influence the sporting world for years to come.     Meeting Thomas Casper and discovering his passion for breeding and his admiration of Lingh is the highlight of my year,” Karin shares.

“Relocating to Germany offers a wonderful next platform for Lingh as a breeding stallion,” adds Susanne Hassler of Hassler Dressage, Lingh’s US agent and representative.    “Through Gestut Birkhof, Lingh will more readily service the German mare base and hopefully extend his influence to mares in neighboring countries like France, the Netherlands, and Belgium.    As one of the top stations in south Germany, Gestut Birkhof is the ideal home where he will receive individualized care and management while servicing mares from a reputable, established EU Station.”     Lingh will soon travel from Sweden to Germany but will remain active in the Flyinge breeding program through shipped fresh cooled semen in addition to the frozen semen.

“I am indebted to all at Flyinge for the wonderful care and management they provided Lingh over the past two and half years. Working with Karl-henrik Heimdahl, Flyinge’s Breeding Director was an extraordinary experience for me; he certainly taught me a lot about breeding and Swedish sensibility.    They helped me transition Lingh from his active performance career to his life as a breeding stallion.    I will forever be thankful for the committed, detailed care he received by all the staff at Flyinge, especially Maths Ortbring, Lingh’s groom.     I am excited to begin new friendships and to see Lingh have the opportunity to shine in the South.    This move for Lingh is a celebration, a fulfillment of my vision for his influence to extend across many borders.    I personally want to thank Susanne Hassler for her continued assistance.    As a stallion owner I am inexperienced, but she has given me wings… Lingh and I are grateful. He shall have a very good home at Gestut Birkhof. ” concludes Karin.

For immediate release 1/11/2011 Offield Farms USA

Lingh – Detail


Lingh’s sire, the Preferent stallion Flemmingh, was one the most famous dressage stallions in the KWPN. He placed third at his performance test in 1990, scoring three 9s, including a 9 for jumping. Flemmingh is the sire of Anky van Grunsven’s now retired Grand Prix horse Krack C, as well as Cathy Morelli’s BeSe, and Imke Schellekens-Bartels’ Melvin, among many other notable dressage horses and numerous ster and keur mares. Flemmingh’s offspring are big moving, tall, athletic, and long lined horses with three excellent gaits and an outstanding temperament.  He is known for passing on the “knee action” that makes his movement so appealing as well as the wonderful temperment.

Lingh’s pedigree offers performance blood that is sought the world-over. In 2009, a colt by Flemmingh (sire of Lingh) was the 2009 Oldenburg studbook stallion approvals champion. Also in 2009, a Vivaldi stallion was the Reserve Champion stallion of the Westphalian approvals. Vivaldi is by Krack C, a son of Flemmingh. Lingh colts are now entering the preliminary rounds for the KWPN approvals of 2010: C-Lingh MK, Cocksdorp Texel, Clint and Chideon. All four of these 2007 colts are still owned by their breeders, which emphasizes the breeders’ pride in these horses’ futures.

Lingh’s sire Flemmingh is by Lacapo, who was licensed in Holstein in 1982. In Dr. Dietrich Rossow’s Holsteiner Breed Book, Lacapo is described as a “medium sized stallion with good expression and beautiful neck carriage… a very good mover. Offspring of medium frame with beautiful faces and lots of appeal. Very good movers.” Lacapo hails from the world famous Holstein stallion and “sire of the century,” Landgraf I. Landgraf’s list of show jumping progeny is endless, producing names like Freestyle (aka Lalique): winner of the Grand Prix at Aachen; Libero: the five time Dutch National Champion and ’94 World Cup winner; Linaro: 1991 Champion Holsteiner Stallion; and Landadel: 1985 100 Day Test Champion at Medingen and a sire in his own right of top dressage and jumping offspring.

Lingh’s dam Gazelle has been rewarded with the highest mare prizes of the KWPN: Ster, Pref, Prest. Gazelle’s sire Columbus jumped at international level with Jos Lansink. Gazelle’s line goes back further to the famous thoroughbred stallions Lucky Boy xx and Uppercut xx.

Lucky Boy xx contributed to Dutch sport horse breeding by siring many top jumpers on the international scene. Lucky Boy xx sired Calypso – Reserve Champion of the 1980 World Cup final and Winner of the 1982 final in Göteborg. Jacob Melissen comments in his 92/93 edition of The Leading Sires of the Netherlands that “Calypso has been of fundamental importance to the development of show jumping in the ‘new style’, he was one of those elastic, plucky horses that perform intelligently and are keen to tackle anything without being too hot. Bold horses, with a light-footed canter. The kind of horses in which the athletic action of the Thoroughbred is united with the balanced character of the part-bred. That’s what Calypso was, and that’s precisely what Lucky Boy contributed to Dutch sport horse breeding.”  Lucky Boy sired 16 stallion sons, the most famous of which was Octrooi, who had a successful career in the USA under the name Best of Luck.  THREE Lucky Boy offspring attended the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles: Van Gogh, The Freak, and Medrano.

Uppercut XX sired 15 approved sons, including Nabuur, an international show jumper who went on to sire many international jumpers including The Saint ridden by Alwin Schockemohle of Germany. Uppercut’s sire Fighting Don was a grandson of Sir Gallahad III. Sir Gallahad III was a French Thoroughbred of tremendous influence in US racehorse industry.  Sir Gallahad sired 65 Graded stakes race winners and was the United States Champion Sire four times. He was the sire of Preakness Stakes winner High QuestJockey Club Gold Cup and multiple stakes winner Fenelon, and a record three Kentucky Derbywinners: Gallahadion,Hoop Jr., and Gallant Fox, who won the U.S. Triple Crown. Sir Gallahad also sired Roman, who won eighteen races and in turn sired fifty-four stakes winners, including Champion and Preakness Stakes winner Hasty Road.  Lingh’s pedigree represents generations of famous, awarded, and performing horses!