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Swedish Prize for top Lingh foal

We are offering the judges best Lingh foal a prize this year. It has received several positive comments on the Ridsport website. Thank you to all that have responded.

I wanted to give something back to breeders who have chosen Lingh as father to their foals, and to give a stimulus to show many of his foal at the evaluations.

See – and

Keep me posted on your opinions !!!

FOAL CLASS, KWPN-NA Keuring Schedule Thursday, Sept 9, 2010 Iron Spring Farm, Inc.


KWPN-NA Keuring Schedule Thursday, Sept 9, 2010 Iron Spring Farm, Inc.

1:00PM Lunch







Off to the Foal Show !!

Introducing Belinda from the mare Balinova e. Bernstein.

Vacation Stabling at BreknRidge Farm !



"Hello Kate and Karin,

Last weekend I stopped by the farm to check on short term boarding for a horse that
is just coming back (slowly) after a layup.  I wanted to check to see if there might
be one or two stalls available at Breknridge Farm from about the 22nd of August thru
Labor Day.  A barn friend who also has a horse coming off layup may want to join me,
hence the need for perhaps 2 stalls.  We both are awaiting a vet visit on the 19th
to see if both are OK for a long trailer ride and then we will know for sure if we
would need stalls.

Can someone get back to me on stall availability?  I enjoyed meeting both of you
very much and I loved your footing!"

A Story to Remember, Welcome back Beluga Vena

I received this letter today from Sweden and would like to share with you an

amazing story of the dedication and love that breeders have for their foals and

the hard work that our vets and farriers accomplish to help save the lives

of these magnificent creatures. We are

lucky to bring you this good news…..Thank you Jessica !  Let me know if you

wish to add or edit your letter !  Tomorrow is Sunday and I will be working

on the computer, take care and thank you for sharing your good news, Karin

Beluga Vena is beautiful and enjoying the fields in Sweden, Congratulations!!!

Dear Karin Reid Offield

I am writing to you to tell you the story of our Lingh foal.

We started our breeding in 2004 when our newly built farm was almost

finished. Our new farm was a part of the horse world that opened up to us

many possibilities.

The first year, we covered three mares and over the years after we came up

with eight mares on top. Since the economy in Sweden and the rest of the world

is not what it was,  we have  decreased our breeding to meet

the customer demands.

In 2009 we bred three of our own horses and they  performed the three year

old test. They all performed well and one of them won the regional test and

competed both at Breeders and the Mare of the Year Competition. Her name is

Xanadoo Vena and her breed is Topaasch – Galliano – Favorit. We decided to

cover her with Lingh.

When we were in the middle of the process to make her pregnant we got an

offer from Flyinge to cover one more mare, and of course we

said yes !

We covered Xtreme Vena too. Her breed is Zardin Firfod (a Danish, Gribaldi

offspring) – Schwadroneur – Ibikus, she was Class One at the test but did

not show her self well that day, though she has got amazing hindlegs.

Both mares were  pregnant and were supposed to deliver within a week in

between, all in June 2010.

In late February to our great sorrow, Xanadoo delivered a dead foal. She was

really ill during all spring but has now come back to health and work again.

She will now enter the sport for at least a couple of years.

In mid May Xtreme injured her hind leg quite badly, and the wound got infected and

the bacteria was an antibiotic resistant one. She ended up at the clinic,

where she had to stay for two weeks.

Sunday the 30th of May our dear friend, also our vet, called and told us to

bring the mare home. He was certain that she would deliver very soon. The

same night, she gave birth to the most beautiful little colt we ever had,

brown, white on his fore head and a lovely conformation. Lingh’s foal.

Unfortunately, the foal had a very low immune level so he got plasma on his second day of

life. On the fifth day we noticed a swelling above his left hind fetlock, and

the morning after there were swellings in both hind knees and the left hock.

He was immediately put on antibiotics but it was a fact, the bacteria from

the mothers wound had travelled to the joints and growth zones of the foal.

It was very critical for the first ten days, the foal and his mother was

stabled at the clinic for almost five weeks before we could see some light

in the situation and bring our horses home.

All during the process, the vets and us were totally agreeing that we

would fight the outmost for this foal as long as he showed the will to live,

because he has something extra ordinary, not only a great looking and moving

foal but he has a little of “that”. You turn your head after him.

Three weeks ago we  removed the permanent needle, and we continued to

medicate him for another week and for two weeks now he is off the medications.

His fetlock grew crooked during his sick period but one of the best farriers

in our country, together with our vets has been and are still working hard

to fix this. Now remaining is that his left hind hoof is pointing more

outwards but we probably have three more weeks before the growth zone will

close. I think this will not be an issue in the future.

Today, and this is why I decided to write this letter to you, our foal has

for the first time since his first days in life, been let out on the field.

There is a long way to go before he is three years and in riding but with

the mentality of this little horse, contact seeking, calm and yet awake and

with as we say in Sweden ‘a fox behind his ear’ (the look that he is up to

something) I am sure this will end up well.

I am really sorry that we can not show this foal this year, because with the

performances of his mother and her sieblings combined with your stallion, he

would have done well.

The foal is named Beluga Vena with nickname Bacill (“the bacteria”). There

are some photos and videos of him on our webpage and now when he is doing

well, there will be plenty more. I will see to that you receive some.

This is a really long letter and I am not the kind of person who writes

these things, but your interest in your horses offspring encouraged me to

write. I hope you find the story of our foal and his journey until today

interesting even if it is not all sunshine.

Best regards

Jessica Nordin

Vena Dressage Centre, Sweden


August 6, 2010


Member # 2xxx

Dear Member:

The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. has received your 2010 membership renewal application wherein you have relinquished your Amateur status and have declared yourself Professional. The change will take effect immediately and your name will also appear in an upcoming issue of EQUESTRIAN Magazine under Professional status.

Please be advised that a new membership card showing the change requested will be forthcoming in the near future.

If you have further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at (859) 225-6945 or by email at


K. Brett

Regulation Representative

I just received the news ……

” I am proud to say that teaching and training is wonderful…i hope to meet many new students this way and that a visit to Northern Michigan is possible. We will be training here all winter. I have room for several horses.”

Finally, We introduce "Finalia ERS" (LINGH x NATHALIA x COCKTAIL)

Picture forthcoming !!!

Consider Lingh offspring for your next riding partner !

Are you looking for your next riding partner ?

Back to America…News from an Owner of a Lingh foal…

The colt is VERY special. We have him out front & he stops traffic all day everyday. Our vet, blacksmith & other horse peers are breathless when they see him. He’s one of those horses that just oozes class & beauty & even if he’s covered in mud you still can see how stunning he is.

Bred by a very special American Horseman

This foal is lovely, Congratulations from Karin and Lingh

To one of our Lingh breeders….

Hej Johanna!

Your beautiful Darlingh most certainly does have lots of energetic ideas!!!! I absolutely love her and hope that she will continue to blossom for you with each and every day! She has so much spunk and clearly has an excellent opinion of herself! I love that!!!!

Enjoy her and please let us know how she is developing in the days and weeks ahead!!

Lycka til!

Susanne Hassler

Susanne Hassler

Hassler Dressage LLC

Phone: 410-885-3824

Fax:  410-885-3823

Mobile:  443-309-1184

More photos of Darlingh from Sweden….

Here comes some pictures of our beautiful filly out of Lingh- Amiral.

She’s a top mover and very good type! A superhorse and so cute and nice to handle, though she has alot of ENERGY and ideas!



Lingh is proud !

This is fantastic ! 'Lingh's SH Precious LeeLoo' Congratulations in Norway !

Here is a link to a small video clip of the Lingh foal that was born early in the year in the very north of Norway. We already have a photo when she was newborn with a horse rug on. ( Have to find that….)

THE MARE is Arriba is by Starlight DVH (Sandro Hit) and Arram (SWB ). Arriba has not been ridden in 6 months and is only 4 y.old. Rider Iselin doing a good job. Her foal SH Precious Leeloo is from the fantastic stallion Lingh. Lingh: see info at

P.s.  horrbile ground to ride on; combination snow/ice.

We have more information….SH precious Arriba had a foal after Lingh (se 25th march 2010. She is a beautiful foal.

Mothers father is Starlight DVH (Sandro Hit). and grandmother is after Arram (swedish warmblood). this foal will be a Swedish Warmblood. more info at and we have pages at facebook: stall holtaas, white talisman, sissel holtaas


UPDATE : THIS PHOTO was taken on Saturday at her first competition.  I am just so pleased with her, she is coming along really well :-We are very pleased seeing this as we just backed her at the end of April 🙂  READ ABOUT SAMANTHA AND BUSILUS EARLIER IN NEW NEWS…MAY 27th post

We are searching for the Perfect Lingh gelding for this rider

A former thoroughbred race horse rider, hunter jumper competitor, and all around horse woman has contacted me to help her find a gelding by Lingh, between 2 and 4 years old. She will provide excellent references from clinicians and will be able to stable him on her own 4 acre farm. She lives in the western sector of the United States so travel expenses and a complete vet exam must be considered in the geldings price. Please contact me at asap.

Four (4) months old…..

Faline Lingh

LIFE IS PRECIOUS : See the back story on Faline Lingh and her proud owner Catherine Gallegos


Here is a message from a Lingh 2 year owner……” She lives outside 24/7 so she looks a bit like a ragamuffin with scrapes and wild mane. However, she is drop dead gorgeous if I do say so myself. I have started to teach her a bit to lunge, although I don’t do much as she is only 2 years old. I must say, however, that she shocked me at how fast she picked up the idea to go in a circle around me! She was lungeing fairly well at the trot on the first day! And with no one to help me by leading her around the circle. Most horses take a bit longer to get the hang of it. I think she will be a “quick study”. Her disposition is very sweet and kind and she is very calm, afraid of nothing. She leads in hand very well and is good for farrier, etc.

Her living situation is very conducive to keeping her confident about life and people. She lives on a pretty farm with two old geldings who are helpful to show her how to enjoy life and not get too worked up about things! lol!

I could go on and on. She has very nice conformation, a TON of suspension, a beautiful face, lovely neck, medium length back with nice saddle position (you might say she is somewhat short coupled, but I think she is mostly “medium” in length), correct straight legs, nice feet. I’m not sure how big she will be. At 2, she is currently about 15.2 to 15.3. Her mother was 16 hands. I would be happy if she made it to 16.1. That would be perfect.”


Local Equestrian Wins Big in Traverse City for Trainer Karin Offield

PRESS RELEASE,  JULY SUMMER 2010   Picture not available

Under the guidance of her trainer and coach Karin Offield of BreknRidge Farm, a local Harbor Springs equestrian wins big in Traverse City. “She began riding with me a year ago at my BreknRidge Farm which is next door to the Birchwood Inn, a few minutes north of Harbor Springs on the lake. The new student then began an extensive training schedule to be ready for this event.” Karin explained.

This amateur owner has 2 competition horses. “They are each remarkable horses. Kate Etherly, the manager of the stable and instructor and I are trying to provide an amazing environment at BreknRidge where Dressage education and learning more skills with your horses is our number one goal.” This winter BreknRidge will be open to riders and trainers in small groups from all across the region to work with Karin furthering dressage careers and accomplishments. ‘”The winter time is a perfect time to move your horses up the levels in dressage, to increase the horses physical fitness and to gather around the dinner tables at night to discuss the sport. We are creating a European lifestyle at BreknRidge where horse people will come to stay for 4 or 5 days or longer in small intimate groups. BreknRidge is the premiere indoor facility in this region and it will work out wonderfully for the riders and their horses.” Karin continues.” I am confident that we can help make winners, and that is fun work. “

Our students  success at last weeks beautiful Horse Sports by the Bay, in Traverse City is a wonderful testimony that hard work, patient perseverance, and strong clear modern instruction will teach you to become a winner. Many riders in dressage never show above the Second Level. Dover Saddlery, the sponsor of the Dover medal understands the important role that the adult amateur rider plays today in the viability of the equestrian industry in the US. Additionally, Dover recognizes that the adult amateur rider must often go to great lengths to balance the demands of career, finances and family with their passion for horses and their desire to compete. Too often those efforts can go unrecognized. Working cooperatively with the United Sates Dressage Federation (USDF), Dover Saddlery designed the USDF/Dover Adult Medal Program to recognize and encourage the adult amateur riding at Second Level.

“The students performances at this show were accurate, and they followed every instruction given to them. They fulfilled my expectations and were rewarded by the judges by their scores. If they can accomplish the same consistency in their rides again in September 9-12, at the Dressage Championships in Traverse City they will be ready to move into higher levels, as the horses become stronger and more athletic.

Dressage is a French word that means “training” and it’s definitely a sport of details. It’s an Olympic sport and it’s a fantastic sport of choice !” To learn more about dressage go to or

Back to work…but want to share a story with you all !

This is one of the best emails I have gotten in years.  This is not only amazing, it will work and the concept could not be much simpler and off the everyday shelf of parts and technology.
For those who do not know how automobile engines actually work, let me try to explain. They are called combustion engines, because gasoline or diesel fuel is exploded in a special chamber, which creates enough pressure to drive a piston down, usually, turning a shaft that results in turning the car’s wheels. The key is the pressure that is required to push that piston down to turn that drive shaft.
Compressed air can provided the required pressure against those pistons. If we could break the hold oil companies have on this entire nation and put everything we have towards this type of science, we will soon be free. Watch the following:
By the way, I heard last week that BP and all of the other companies involved in the Gulf of Mexico leak and destruction of our world down here, are setting up to try all of the court cases here in Texas. For all of you folks living outside of that state, you should know that will be a cake walk for the those guys to get out of paying most of what they should. The Oil Industry owns Texas and every judge and politician in it. Even if the people win in the lower courts, our appellate courts will over turn it.

Back on the Road for The Traverse City Horse Show

Good Luck to the students competing at the show. We will be updating the website with photos and stories on their return.


Harbor Springs, Michigan