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For Lingh foals to be noticed…

It is very important for the breeders to present the Lingh foals in the most professional manner – Good luck to all – the first year for a new stallion is difficult for the judges to stand up for the new blood – there is much competition, but I have no doubt that the Lingh foals are awesome. I wish I could be there to cheer you on! Lingh is an amazing sire.

Horseback Riding School in Harbor Springs, Michigan

Summer 2012

Dear Karin,

Here is the testimonial I promised.

Over the last year I have been working with Karin. I was coming off of a horse that had some dangerous tendencies. Karin, along with my trainer Janine Holmes at Serenity Farms in Grand Rapids, Michigan, helped me to regain my confidence. I had developed a “survival” seat, always ready to bail if things got scary. Karin worked to bring back my seat, and it has never been better! I have learned more in the last 6 months from her than I have in the last decade!

This past spring, my daughter Kyra and I were fortunate to be able to spend a few days with Karin and her wonderful staff at her Brek-n-Ridge Farm in Harbor Springs. What a stunning setting and fabulous facility! Karin instructed me twice a day on some of her horses, and we worked on the nuances of the lateral movements.

All my life, I was simply told “shoulder-in” or “half pass” but never really told why and how to perform the movements. I just did them. It was eye opening to be able to ride such well-trained horses that knew their job.

I learned the proper aids for the movements, and how it affected them. I learned that while my body naturally knew how to encourage my horses to perform the movements, but because I didn’t understand the biomechanics and correct aids, I would often get in the way of my horse’s ability to do the movements to his best ability. A simple lessening of a rein aid or brush of the leg was enough to open the door for my horse to dance! Thanks Karin !

Best regards, Tara


Summer is almost here, the foals are arriving……Lingh is very proud!

Lingh and the young girls – INTRODUCING INA CASPER – and now lets see his foals !!!

Lingh and Ina Casper COMPLIMENTS OF:  In the April issue of Reiterjournal – a magazine from the Baden-Wurttemberg region

An english translation of this story will be published soon…..

Southern German Stallion Days: A sensational performance by Lingh and Denario

The gala evening of the day the South German stallion stud Birkhof a grand entrance was the occasion of his 50th anniversary. Sensationally, the first appearances of Lingh and Denario with our “young team-maker made ​​by Casper” were. Anna Casper, the eldest daughter of Thomas, presented Double national champion Denario. From the series of changes to trot to Pirouette no problem for Anna and her gray stallion. Presented the high lessons of dressage Ina Casper, the eldest daughter of Jurgen, with the international dressage stallion Lingh. Piaffe, passage, one change … The Brown, a former top horse of double world champion Edward Gal, turned on – Ina and Lingh were the sensation of the evening!

In the April issue of Reiterjournal – a magazine from the Baden-Wurttemberg region

Birkhof Foal Championship: Closing date for entries is July 11

In the anniversary year of the stud is the traditional Birkhof Foal Championship, which is dedicated in a special chapter on Stud Chronicle. On the 5th of August Birkhof breeders and their foals will meet in Donzdorf to determine the champions. The focus is this year the first crop of foals of the international Grand Prix stallion Lingh. His owner Karin Offfield has a best foal of Lingh a special prize.

Deadline for the championship on 11 July. Entry forms can be obtained from the stud Birkhof: Phone: (+49) 07162-29886, fax: (+49) 07162-25276, E-mail:

Karin Flint and her Flintfields Horse Park – two hours from Harbor Springs, Michigan

Cambridge Who’s Who Names Karin W. Flint Professional of the Yearin Property Management and Development

Karin Flint’s unyielding passion for horses has resulted in a successfully satifying career that now spans 20 years
    Traverse City, MI, January 26, 2012 /Cambridge Who’s Who/ — Karin W. Flint, Owner & Developer of Flintfields Horse Park, has been named a Cambridge Who’s Who Professional of the Year in Property Management and Development. While inclusion in the Cambridge Who’s Who Registry is an honor, only a small selection of members in each discipline are chosen for this distinction. These special honorees are distinguished based on their professional accomplishments, academic achievements, leadership abilities, years of service, and the credentials they have provided in association with their Cambridge Who’s Who membership.Karin Flint’s unyielding passion for horses, initially spurrred by her daughter’s interest in horseback riding as a youngster, led to her development of Flintfields Horse Park, a horse show facility that attracts top level riders including Olympic Silver and Gold medalists. The park has also served as a host site to member events of the World Champion Hunter Rider Program, the 2010 Region 2 United States Dressage Federation Championships, the annual Horse Shows by the Bay Equestrian Festival, and other outdoor sporting and entertainment events. The park, which is now celebrating its 5th season, was recognized by the United States Hunter Jumper Association in 2011 for hosting the Zone 5 AA Horse Show of the Year and placed 20th in the 2010 North American Riders Group’s “Top 25 Horse Shows.” Flintfields Horse Park is also well known as a safe venue for both horses and riders in Northern Michigan

Karin is the ultimate professional when it comes to developing marketing strategies as evidenced by the top-notch associations that call on her to manage and host their events. She also manufacturers a product called the D-Braider, which is used in the removal of yarn in the braids of show horses. She holds a Bachelor of Education from Michigan State University.

Visit to download a map of Flintfields Horse Park.

Ivanhoe, owned by Karin Flint and her daughter Mary is in training at Karin Offield's Brek-n-Ridge Farm in Harbor Springs, Michigan.

Polo in Northern Michigan – Let the Games begin !!

The Bliss Michigan Polo Fields are in top shape. They have been fertilized twice and mown down. It has been very dry but the irrigation has been running.

Let the games begin! Sunday the 1st of July. They will have all four teams play at 1PM and 3PM in the USPA 8 Goal Players Cup. In addition to Sunday, polo will played Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday July 8th. Call and check the schedule at the Bliss Store for accuracy.

Some of the players included this year…Justin Pimsner, Dinwiddie Lampton, Mason Lampton, and Polo Baez. Mark Sedacca, our Governor, will substitute. “We are old and devious so beware.” So says Mason Lampton.

Steve Van Andel will captain his team with Chris Stratemann, Paul Wheaton, and players TBA. They make up a tough team from Ada, Michigan

Scott Devon has Brandon Phillips, Patrick Smith, and players TBA.

The second major tournament should start on the 29th of July through August 5. This second tournament is not a USPA sanctioned tournament but that allows Toronto to come join in if they desire. With them they will have six teams.

What a summer it will be !  Brek-n-Ridge Students will be there to cheer on the players!

Check the Face Book page for Bliss Polo for accurate play times or call the Bliss Store.

Carriage Rides for Downtown Harbor Springs !

Carriage Rides in Harbor Springs
There’s something new in Harbor Springs this spring, summer and fall! Horse and Carriage Rides throughout the downtown area and FREE rides up on the Bluff overlooking Little Traverse Bay. The idea for the carriage rides came from local stable Brek-n-Ridge Farm’s owner Karin Reid Offield.

The Horse and Carriage Rides downtown are planning to begin in late May and throughout June. The Rides will start up again in mid August through mid October. The days of the week for the Horse and Carriage Rides will be posted on the Harbor Spring’s websites soon. The downtown Horse and Carriage Rides will charge a fee for the service.

The rides depart from Bay Street near Stafford’s Pier, The New York Restaurant and Bar Harbor in downtown Harbor Springs every 30 minutes. Other stops and loading zones are near the Island Bean Coffee Company, the Wooly Bugger and the loading zone by Turkey’s Cafe and Pizzeria. The Harbor Springs Historical Museum is also on the route.

Free Horse and Carriage Rides on the Bluff above Harbor Springs are being planned to begin once a week in July through early August. The departure area will be on Lake Street at the Harbor Springs IGA and the Pet Pantry. The rides will travel along the bluff overlooking downtown Harbor Springs and the harbor. Stay tuned for more information! Local merchants sponsor these free rides.

For more information or to reserve the Horse and Carriage for a special event, contact Scott Ward, 231-838-6124 or 231-526-8606.

Selling Lingh foals….what a beauty – Blingh, Blingh – For Sale

Bling Bling - For sale in Sweden, one of my favorites ! Lingh and Briar....

Dear Karin, here is a story about Blingh, Blingh in Sweden….

I will do my best, my english is not so good!!  Yes, I did take her to a foal competition. She did really well.  She got the points 9 9 6 6 8 7, ( you need to know what the Swedish points stand for! )

She was in a growth period then, that’s why she got the two 6. That day she was upright in her vertebrae (don’t know if this is the right word), she was also a little swollen in her knees.  The judges liked her a lot, they thought she was the most beautiful of all foals.

Blingh Blingh is a wonderful foal, she is smart and so easy to handle. She loves people, she is curious and is very sociable, I just love her.

The mother of Blingh Blingh is called Brindisi. The father is Briar and then comes Jaguar – Pompe. Brindisi is a pretty big mare about 174 cm. I have therefore in my choice of stallions for her looking for a stallion that is not so tall and with a lot of thoroughbred element. My choice was Lingh. !

I bought Brindsi when she was three years. She is a mare with a very good trot, canter and has great rideability.!

Congratulations to Breeder and Owner Ana Johansson ! We hope that your experience with Blingh Blingh is awesome !!!

Mother, Brindisi in Action


Younger and very proud
Color for Lingh !
Blingh Blingh in action !




Lingh’s top colt 6 year old Beau and a Mother’s Day for a Stallion Owner…..

Congratulations to owner Johan Ifverson, rider Pernilla Andre Hokfelt and breeder Jan and Marie Lamers van Ewijk, at Farmerhoeve B.V. in Oss, in the Netherlands. 

This is one horse that is very special to me – born on my birthday, the Lingh Stallion ‘Beau’ is now six years old and lives in Sweden. The latest video of him in work!


SWEETIE W KWPN 99.04161 ster 1999 zwartbruin 1.68m with owner Jan Lamers

Barvaria Lingh Foal…named Lynox

Does my nose look like my mother's ?

Dear Karin,

Now finally I would like to you to imagine my little Lingh, who at 10:04:12
at 21:30 clock in Dinkelscherben, Bayern came into the world. My mare Goldika whom
I rode the Erolgreich (?)  to M-dressage. She had an injury, and then
I heard that Lingh comes to Germany.  There was no
question in my mind who would be the father of the foal…Lingh !!!.

In the winter the mother had kidney problems and we
feared for a few weeks the foal in her womb. But everything was ok, and together they
had a total lightweight, quick delivery and the little splendid guy was there!
He spent a lot of time trying to find the milk and the udder of mom,  she was a bit fishy!
With my help, he finally found what he sought, and from then on he was no longer
Very quickly we found a name for him and he is named Lynox! He looks
really like his father, even the star is in the same place on the
face! I also think the facial expression is the same as Lingh, which is
From the beginning he was standing on his long legs, he shows very nice moves in
the gallop. He is totally approachable and friendly! He can be touched everywhere, using the
Creating Well halter and he leads very well. Meanwhile he is playing in the paddock with
his mother and he is growing tremendously!
My family and I have taken him full into our hearts.  WE want Goldika
to meet again soon with Lingh.A second foal by Lingh!
I hope that the photo is meaningful, but I will send you in a few

Many greetings from Bavaria, thank you for your interest in the offspring of your
great stallion and see you soon,


Thank you Brigit, I love this picture and I hope that many dreams and wishes come your way…

Viva La Lynox, best wishes, Karin

Cabo San Lucas – my Jack Russell Terrier 1997 – 2012

To my many friends I have loved and growled at...I will miss you all - thank you for sharing our great times all over the world ....

Photo by Gabriele Boiselle





Friday the 13th Lingh Foal…….Show Jumping bloodlines…

Pianosa - Show Jumper

Dear Karin,
We’re one of the Lingh breeders in Germany. Now we will tell you about the foal and send some photos too.
The colt was born on Friday, the 13th of April. A brown, noble colt, standing tall above the ground with a fine upper line and a beautiful face.
The brood mare is State Premium show jumper Pianosa, and she was born in 1992. She is a half bred mare of Pageno XX x Wettstreit. Her sister Lettina won the German championship for young horses.  More photos from Pia and her offspring you can see on my albums.
This foal is her 10th and now we’re breeding with Lingh again.

At your next travelling to Germany, we will happy if you visit us. We live near Birkhof.

best Regards,  Karin and Stefan

Just born....Up and running.....beautifully Hengstfohlen Lingh x Pageno XX geb. 13.04.2012

Dear Karin and Stefan – Stay in touch with me…your foal is beautiful !  Congratulations !!



Facebook and Lingh

The way of the world today involves instant communication – easy access – and the kindness of others that share photos and stories!  Lingh has fans around the world and today I received this photo from Germany…
With Myriam’s note…..Hi Karin ! I really appreciate you getting back to me ! Lingh does look great and from what I see, hear and read he is still in excellent shape it must be all the loving care he gets from you !!    Take care and a big hug and kiss for Lingh 
Thank you Myriam – We will see you on Facebook and in Germany !  Take care, Karin

First Lingh foal in Germany, born Feburary 2012

I watched this foal at the Gala ! Well balanced, sweet and strong...congratulations Christine

Thank you Christine, keep us informed and send us stories !!!


Dear Karin Offield,
I am writing you today because I want to introduce you to MY little Lingh.
I saw him two days after birth and fell in love with him.
His mother I have already successfully ridden M-dressage.
I think he is the earliest of Lingh foals this year. He was born in mid-February.
His breeder is from Bernd Biedermann Merklingen named because of the city.
My little horse Lingh was presented at the spring Birkhof Gala.
I am happy to write you and send a few pictures every few weeks.

With best regards,

Liebe Frau Offield,
ich schreibe Ihnen heute, weil ich Ihnen MEIN kleinen Lingh vorstellen möchte.
Ich habe ihn zwei Tage nach der Geburt gesehen und verliebte mich sofort in ihn.
Seine Mutter habe ich bereits erfolgreich M-Dressur geritten und so beschloss ich
ihn zu kaufen.
Ich glaube, er ist das früheste Fohlen von Lingh dieses Jahr: geboren Mitte Februar.
Sein Züchter ist Bernd Biedermann aus Merklingen/Weil der Stadt.
Mein kleiner Lingh wurde anlässlich der Hengstvorstellung von Birkhof dort
Gerne schreibe ich Ihnen und schicke alle paar Wochen ein paar Bilder.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen

Christiane Fritz-Lange

Virginia, USA welcomes a Lingh Foal !

“It’s a great day in Virginia !”

Lingh foal from mare Concertina born in Virginia


Concertina foaled a bay filly that we’ve named Legata this morning at 7:30am! She did a great job with no problems whatsoever, and the filly was up and doing beautifully in just minutes – the first time I’ve gotten to witness a birth – so overjoyed for both of them to be healthy and thriving! Legata, means “smooth, connected movement” in musical lingo, so it’s a nice tie to both momma Concertina and daddy Lingh! She is so leggy that a nickname will be quite simple (smile), and I have no earthly idea where the strange blaze/star came from!

It's a dream......Congratulations Renee!!


Details to follow !

Dressage Clinic’s in Grand Rapids at Serenity Farms – May 4-5

Serenity Farm – First Stop in the ADA’s Winter Clinic Series

By Janine Holmes

On January 20 and 21, Serenity Farm proudly hosted Karin Reid-Offield as the clinician for the first clinic in the ADA Winter Clinic Series. Karin is a regular clinician at Serenity Farm and so the line-up of riders consisted of some familiar faces as well as some new ones. It was fun to see the great improvement in the horses that had worked with Karin before and also wonderful to watch the transformation of horses that had not worked with Karin before. I truly wish I had taken video to compare the first and last five minutes of each ride. One would have thought there were months of training between the two. Once again, this proves how important it is for us to have a ground person with has a keen eye for what the judges are looking for. Without that, bad habits can form since things go unnoticed and uncorrected.

Participant Kim Nobel: “Karin put us right at ease. The focus of our lesson was to do a dance, not just the geometrical movements. Between Karin and my training with Janine Holmes, we’ve thrown away the spurs and are learning to communicate subtly. It’s all about making the dance beautiful!

I’m enjoying the ADA winter clinic series. It’s a great opportunity to meet fellow horse enthusiasts while trying new trainers and their techniques.”

While enjoying summer time grilled burgers’ for lunch, Karin engaged in numerous discussions with riders and auditors. Questions were asked and answers given, stories were told and experiences shared. Everyone benefitted from Karin’s overseas experience and the wisdom she gained while living with Anky van Grunsven. All agreed that Karin was easy to understand, that what she taught made perfect sense and that given time and tremendous discipline, we too can have that upper level seat and mind set even when doing Intro Level!

For information: Link for Serenity Farm  Link for : Karin Reid Offield

Tool Box Symposium on

Karin Offield’s Tool Box Symposium is now available on This is a tremendous teaching opportunity for all disciplines. Each month a new clinic from the Tool Box Symposium will be posted for members of to view, so join now!

Tool Box Videos

Currently in Premium Videos: Beth Baumert on Half Halts and Karin Offield on Connection.

Check out the articles in the October and November 2010 issues of Dressage Today.

Press release for the Tool Box Symposium listed below:

“Unbelievable quality of instruction and presentation. Very inspiring;” “Couldn’t have been organized better” were some of the comments given by instructors, riders, and auditors in response to the inaugural Dressage Tool Box Symposium held in 2010 and hosted by Bay Harbor Equestrian Club. Sponsored by Karin Offield of Harbor Springs,, and Barnby Notes, the symposium gave attendees a unique opportunity to advance their skills in horsemanship and share openly the “tools” that will advance their skills as dressage teachers and riders.

Dressage is the systematic training of the horse to increase it’s suppleness and athletic ability. As an Olympic level competitive discipline, dressage displays the beauty and grace of the horse and rider in partnership as they perform what appears to be an effortless mounted ballet. On a more fundamental level the foundation of dressage will benefit any rider who desires to communicate fluidly and bring out the best performance of their horse.

This inaugural clinic was open to all dressage instructors. Offield stated “the purpose was to share the diversity and range of ideas from dressage instructors; to show and tell the technical skills. The manner in which we teach and learn as students takes years by experience. As riders we learn in varying amounts every day. As instructors we are constantly examining those “lightbulb moments” to see why a certain “lesson” was suddenly learned. It’s like looking at life – but on a horse.”

Instructors with backgrounds as diverse as equine and human biomechanics,, therapeutic riding (NARHA), Centered Riding, and US Dressage Federation Gold Medalists from national competition participated. Also participating were several USDF certified judges and instructors. Each instructor taught 2 lessons focusing on a specific dressage fundamental or movement to mounted students who indicated they needed an additional perspective in refining their understanding of that particular skill. The riders were asked to list the lessons that they needed to learn.

Karin Offield, as moderator and inventor of the Symposium model was able to craft the lessons program to fit the needs of both the instructors and the riders. The auditors played an active part in the program too by changing their observation vantage point from lesson to lesson. When asked “What is the reason behind hosting a Tool Box Symposium?” Offield replied, ” I am talking about getting a region together to introduce, to discover, and to work together so that all of our instructors skills and tools, our clients horses, and our dressage tests are better. For all of us to meet the instructors in our region is super. What better way than this to make sure that we are all training our horses in a modern, respectful and intelligent manner!”

Special guests from Michgan State University attended. As experts in their fields of teaching and learning, Dr. Hilary Clayton, BVMS, PhD, MRCVS, professor and McPhail Chair in Equine Sports Medicine; Karen Waite – Equine Extention Specialist; and Narelle Stubbs – research associate and Physiotherapist from Australia and England helped us see the subjects more clearly. “It was fun and very enlightening.”

Local participants in the Harbor Springs area included Nancy Williams riding her rescued Thoroughbred Trakehner cross, Dreamer who won the group’s heart for his wonderful work ethic and athletic ability. Karin Offield also rode William’s little gelding in a session on developing the canter pirouette. Prix St. George competitor and USDF “L” judge, Kim Aikens from Petoskey instructed. Young riders Suzannah Simon from Charlevoix and Miles Hayes also wowed the crowd. Other participants came from around Michigan and as far afield as Connecticut, Illinois, Ohio, and Virginia. There were 55 attendees.

The symposium goals were twofold; one, that all participants go home with new “tools” added to their collection of both teaching and riding skills and two, that the program serve as a model for additional Tool Box Symposiums to be held across the country. Unlike many European countries, the United States does not have a regional national training center program for dressage riders and young horses. Offield hopes that by creating the Tool Boxes this need can be addressed and a 2 year pilot program of National Training Centers can be initiated across the United States. The choice of Bay Harbor Equestrian Club was an easy choice for Karin, “It has all the amenities a person could want to hold large events and be educationally proactive. The staff at Bay Harbor were terrific. We were in good hands. “

For more information on the selection of a facility as a site for a future Dressage Tool Box Symposium in 2012 and 2013 please contact Karin at The Tool Box was designated a USDF University accredited program and the organizers and participants were very pleased with their support. For more information on the USDF University please click on this link:

Lingh continues to impress the breeders !

Anna and her cousin Ina on a spring day at Birkhof

Character, rideability, and conformation are desirable in choosing your stallion. As Lingh begins his second season of breeding in Southern Germany at Gestut Birkhof in Donzdorf we are proud to show you this video !

Lingh and Ina Casper ready for the Spring Stallion Show at Gestut Birkhof 2012

Lingh and Ina Casper preformed at the spring Stallion Shows in front of eager breeders waiting to see this years 50 Year Celebration of the Family Casper. They were not disappointed. Congratulations Ina – Job well done !

Karin and Brek-n-Ridge Farm in Harbor Springs, Michigan featured on TV


Episode #303

Features Idlewild, Harbor Springs and Reed City 
Airs Monday, February 13 at 7:30 p.m.

“In this episode we go to a historic resort that’s reinventing itself in Idlewild and meet an Olympic-caliber equestrian competitor in Harbor Springs,” said Kurt Wilson, “Destination Michigan” host. “Plus, you’ll never guess what Bob Garner will find in the great little town of Reed City.”

Tune in for a look back in time at the historic African American community in Idlewild and meet the dedicated individuals working today to preserve Idlewild and their families’ memories there. Then saddle up and hit the trails in Harbor Springs as we visit the Brek-n-Ridge Farm. Bob Garner will round out the evening as he takes us to one of his favorite Michigan cities that encompasses charm, character and great food: we’ll get off the highway with Bob and visit Reed City.

Watch the video

Episode #301Features Mackinaw City, Elberta, Alpena, and Port Huron Airs Monday, January 23 at 7:30 p.m. A historic village in Mackinaw City takes us back in time for a look at the history of the area. Take a trip to the Trick Dog Art Gallery in Elberta, and we’ll putt around at the state’…

Lingh – Business as usual, breeding many mares !

Gestut Birkhof - 50 Years of Service to Breeders around the World ! English is spoken !