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Sweden and Lingh Foals – Libaldi TreH e. Lingh u. Uvesta ue. Gribaldi född 9 maj 2011

Update on Libaldi TreH e.

Lingh u. Uvesta ue. Gribaldi born 9th May 2011

“Here comes some more news from one of Lingh foals in Sweden. Earlier I sent you a videoclip when he was 5 days.  (SEE FACEBOOK AND NEW NEWS ENTRY) Now he is nearly 4 months and a lovely foal.

One week ago we presented him at a foal show (ASVH) and he received 46 points.

8 for type; “well developed, correct in height-lenght”
7 for head, neck and body; “expressive head, well formed neck,  today he is higher over croup
8 for legs; “correct”
8 for walk; “ground covering, and energetic”
8 for trot; “ground covering, elastic”
7 for canter; “energetic but could use the back better (I think his canter is his best gait but he didn’t show them his best  day)”

He is easy to handle and fearless. He is a brave foal with a lot of energy. He walks into the transport by himself ! Easy in the stable – and easy to groom. ”  Congratulations !!!!  Best Regards, Karin

Sweden’s Libaldi TreH by Lingh – 4 months. In the fields and at the show!

Lingh Mare for Sale : Reserve Circuit Champion in England L-1

For sale due to overcrowding !

Born May 30, 2007 Lingh mare 'Cilotte' In Training

Age: 4
Level: L
Sex: Mare
Studbook: KWPN
Colour: Chestnut
Height: 1.63 m – 1.65 m
Price: € in consultation
Cilotte is a 4 year old very talented dressage horse of the descendant Lingh.She is included in the pedigree of the KWPN. She is a horse for sport and breeding. Cilotte comes from the lineage 113,334 breeding family. She is a very nice horse to ride, super light on the hand and constantly in balance and light in the bridle.
This summer she was Reserve Circuit Champion of England in the L1.

Her mother was Jilotte ZZ- in Dressage and three years as Reserve Champion of the Netherlands. She is ranked 34 of best performance mares in the Netherlands. The grandmother, Liselot, was mild (?) Tour champion and Horse of the Netherlands.
Sister Rilotte is in Light Tour.
Brother Santiago is Light Tour and b
Stir Prestino Z2 and runs as a colt belonged to the best 10 in the Netherlands.

Video of  horse is also available.
For more information please contact:
Wieke  Lenstra+ 31  ( 0) 6 248 839 66

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Progress of Bubbling(h) Lingh – KWPN

I want to thank all the owners and breeders of the Lingh foals that have taken their time, worked hard with these youngsters to bring them up to be nicely trained. We have had many compliments on the characters of these young horses….if you have a story about a young Lingh – please contact me directly at, Thanks so much, Karin Offield

5 Year old Bubbling Lingh x Landsriver x Darwin x Doruto Video

4 Year old Bubbling Lingh : Lingh x Landsriver x Darwin x Doruto Video

Come Join Us For this Event !

Presenting: Bailamos Biolley x Lingh x Licoto xx x Rubinstein

Lovely Filly Born in 2011 is For Sale…..



Lingh mare Lingh x Licoto xx x Rubinstein.... Mare's Full Brother is an approved stallion! Born in 2007


Lingh Mare and her new foal









More details to follow…..this story may include some error.

Winner of the ‘Win a Ride on Lingh’ Contest formally announced !


“Hannah Allescher darf Lingh reiten Die 13-jährige Hannah Allescher ist die Glückliche, die Ende September die Reitstunde ihres Lebens auf Grand Prix-Hengst Lingh haben wird. Linghs Besitzerin, Karin Offield, erklärte: “Hannahs Video hat mir gezeigt, dass sie versteht, was Selbsthaltung bedeutet. Ich habe das gute Gefühl, dass es ein Vergnügen sein wird, mit ihr zu arbeiten.”

Dear St Georg and Jan,

” I am thrilled to agree with you that the rider I have chosen is Hannah Allescher.  In her video she showed me that she understands self carriage, she rode the counter canter well and she demonstrated the walk – so critical when looking for a rider that I would want to ride my Lingh.  Over all she gave me the confident feeling that it would be a pleasure working with her and watching a young person ride a great horse for the first time. There were 2 additional riders that are ready to ride the big horses – Helena and Christine. I wish them good luck in their careers.  I want to thank all the students that entered our contest. I hope that your careers on horseback are very successful. Watch my website : for Lingh stories and exciting New News !  ”  best regards, Karin


Summer 2011 Karin Offield and Horses

I have been busy at the stable and away from my computer for almost a month or two now…..and I have missed being in touch with my friends and Lingh fans !  My competition horse Good Heart has been injured so we are concentrating on teaching the children to ride this summer. I bet 200 young boys and girls have come thru the stable doors these last few months ! The nice part of the experience is that the parents are staying and watching, learning and being involved. A stable of instructors can’t ask for better than that !  So – to all my friends, acquaintances , colleagues and loved ones  – you know who you are – here is what we have been up to this summer, in our little town of Harbor Springs, Michigan.

The column appears bi-monthly in the Harbor Light newspaper, and Horsing Around has been a nice success. I want to thank the sponsors of the column for their support and I look forward to building on this idea for our newspapers in the future. Stay tuned, best regards, Karin




Training with Karin Reid-Offield

After meeting Karin Offield at ‘Dressage by the Bay’ in Traverse City, I knew that she was the trainer for me. Her keen eye helped me evaluate my position and make the necessary corrections for a more effective seat. Her training concepts were very logical and in line with how I believe a horse should be trained.

A few weeks later, I decided to do a 4 day clinic with Karin and we did 5 private lessons.  These lessons varied in length, intensity and instruction according to what she felt my horse and I needed.  I was very impressed with the one-on-one instruction I received and Karin helped me develop a system that would work for both my horse and me, once we returned home.

I really appreciated her thoroughness and consistency in training.  Her instruction was clear and uplifting and when I struggled to fully understand something, she had all the patience in the world.

I am happy to report that the system Karin helped me develop has worked!  My horse is the same at home as he was at her facility, Brek-n-Ridge Farm, and although I know we will still have bumps in the road, I am much more confident knowing that we are on the right track!

A concept that was ingrained in me throughout my training with Karin, is the fact that I am the only consistent factor in my relationship with my horse.  This pertained to my position, my attitude, the application of my aids and even regarding the care of my horse.  Horses are attracted to leadership and blossom under consistently productive handling.

I look forward to many years of training and clinics with Karin Offield here in Michigan at her barn, Brek-n-Ridge Farm in Harbor Springs, Michigan and at my own Serenity Farm in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

For more information on clinics and lessons with Karin: contact her at or
Sincerely, Janine Holmes
Owner of Serenity Farm in Grand Rapids Michigan

More Video of Lingh Offspring – 4 weeks old ! For sale !!

A Lingh mare’s 4 week old foal by Galliani Biolley x Lingh 4 weeks old

{A video of Galliani Biolley at WEN 2011 }   Sir Donnerhall x Lanciano

Congratulations to Brigitte – you can contact her about the foal at the website below.

Brigitte de Biolley


Good news came our way this month when the first photographs and videos of the RESERVE CHAMPION KWPN DRESSAGE PROSPECT  BEAU  were released by his Swedish owner Johan Ifverson since his purchase and relocation to Sweden. Beau was bred by the owners of the late and great Grand Prix-star FERRO, Jan Lamers and his late partner Adriaan van der Goor.

FROM A NEWS RELEASE… Dressage Direct

“This impressive stallion cat nr 561 Beau like his French name says is really beautiful indeed. “In the Lingh-progeny that was showed, we could recognize the noble head of the father, the expressive foreleg and the elegant and uphill conformation and movements overall”, Judge Wim Ernes said. He continued: “It’s a start of course. In breeding we are always looking for an improvement of the father. ”














Following the event I wrote……..”The son of Lingh, Beau, came through three tough inspections with flying colors on Saturday afternoon. The Reserve Champion Title was finally Beau’s to take home by the lucky owners of this fine animal. Beau was chosen second to the 66 listed stallions whose owners took the time and considerable effort to bring their best horse to this stage towards KWPN approval. Beau was first presented at the KWPN Hengstenkeuring 2008/2009 in December for the first round towards becoming a KWPN approved breeding stallion worthy of this prestigious title.
“Beau is an absolutely beautiful horse, I would like to have him in my stable but I am very confident this is just the beginning of Lingh’s amazing career as a successful breeding stallion. What I love about being a stallion owner, and the owner of Lingh is that I am able to share the lives of all these colts and fillies with their very proud owners. I like meeting people that are passionate and I like sharing their dreams. Beau is particularly special to me because he was born on my birthday. One day I hope to ride him.”
Lingh’s Beau was successful in making the KWPN Auction very successful. He was the highest priced dressage colt sold Saturday afternoon, For a moment the crowd expected him to win, but the lovely Bordeaux by United bred by Nelly Lisman took home the top honor”


Beau was presented to the KWPN panel of judges in Den Bosch in 2009. The following explanation describes the process by the KWPN in selecting their top Dressage prospects.

KWPN Performance testing

Stallions selected at the last viewing in Den Bosch qualify for the final phase on the path to KWPN approval: the performance test. This test yields a wealth of information about each stallion. In the performance test, stallions are evaluated on both natural sport talent and temperament. Ultimately, they are selected for their potential as breeding stallions for the future KWPN population.

Owners of three-year-old riding stallions may choose one of three testing periods: spring, fall, or the following spring. The 70-day spring performance test immediately follows the KWPN Stallion Selection. The 50-day fall test and the following 50-day spring test are each preceded by two evaluations of stallions under their own riders. These evaluations are separated by approximately three weeks, and the performance test begins approximately three weeks after the second evaluation. At both evaluations, the stallion selection committee has the right to excuse any stallion from further participation. In such case, a stallion may not take part in the 50-day test that follows.

The performance test is used to carefully assess and record the natural talent of KWPN stallions. During this period, stallions are cared for under standardized conditions and trained by KWPN representatives. These include competent equestrian ground staff and professional riders or drivers, supervised by a training manager who maintains close communication with the stallion selection committee. Upon arrival and departure, stallions are thoroughly examined by veterinarians. Veterinarians also attend stallions on other occasions, as needed.


The performance test program includes daily under-saddle work, both indoors and outdoors. In addition, stallions regularly work in the horse exerciser and are turned out in safe paddocks. In all aspects of care and training, the horses are given special consideration for their young age. The primary goal of training is optimum preparation of all stallions so that the selection committee can obtain a good assessment of their natural talent by the end of the performance test.


The selection committee evaluates stallions in the performance test at regular intervals. They may be presented by their usual training rider or guest riders, who are professionals with ample experience training young horses to become world-class competitors. After working a stallion, the rider gives the committee oral and written reports on the horse’s potential. At any point in the performance test, the committee has the right to excuse a stallion from further participation or refer him to a subsequent following test. This right may be exercised if a horse is deemed too immature or if an injury is evident. The performance test also includes evaluations of stable and training behavior. An extensive training report is published upon conclusion of the test. Stallions that pass the performance test are granted KWPN approval.

Older Stallions

Many older stallions participate in the performance test. In principle, they are registered for spring testing for a minimum of 21 days. In exceptional cases, the stallion selection committee may reduce testing to five days if a stallion has demonstrated excellence in sport or if he is an outstanding sire of performance horses. The committee has the right to alter the testing period at any time in exceptional cases. (LINGH WAS APPROVED AS A KWPN STALLION AS A RESULT OF HIS CAREER AND CHARACTER)

Beau - Still young and growing

Following Den Bosch, Beau did not go further in the approval process with the judges all agreeing that he was still growing and needed time to mature. It was during this time that Johan Ifverson made a successful bid for Beau and took the colt home to Sweden where he could grow up and become a star.  I saw Beau in December of 2010 and he looked like he was well, strong and more talented than I remembered. It was a dark Swedish day when I arrived to see him.


Beau in a Swedish winter

So the great news now is that Beau is progressing and thanks to Johan and his team, we present

BEAU ( Lingh x Ferro ) 2011

Beau {Lingh x Ferro}



We wish for' Beau' great success, and the stable of Johan Ifverson !


Dressage and the revenue…WELLINGTON

Palm Beach International Equestrian Center. © Ken Braddick/

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida, July 23–Florida’s winter equestrian circuit of jumping, hunter, dressage and polo competitions had a positive impact of more than $185 million on the economy of Palm Beach County in 2011, according to a study conducted for the Palm Beach County Sports Commission.

The study, conducted for the commission by Profile Marketing Research, found the biggest impact by far came from more than $120 million attributable to the Winter Equestrian Festival of 12 weeks of jumper-hunter competitions at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center.

The World Equestrian Games in Kentucky last year reported economic impact of “direct” spending of $128.2 million.

According to the survey of 222 participants at WEF, all conducted by the research company, there were 15,000 participants.

Of the estimated 48,686 hotel room nights attributable to equestrian activities, 47,139 were directly attributable to WEF.

The study found that the average travel party for all equestrian activity, that included competitors, officials, vendors and others, was 4.8 persons and the average spent $37,300, of which $29,328 was for horses.

Expenses for horses for competitors only, though, averaged $35,799 for WEF but jumped to $38,816 for dressage participants…….

WHY ??   (There are so many big jumper barns, some importing 100 a horses a year, so they get discounts for volume, perhaps that’s the reason)Remember, it’s the individuals people’s moneys that are being used and the fundings are being used to create, maintain and elevate the horse industry. We have no government subsidy, we do it ourselves, for ourselves and our children.


Bizar la Haya, Lingh colt continues to impress the Dutch

Arjan Alberts reports on the progress of Bizar:

“He is still a stallion and so easy to ride! We could only wish that all horses we breed are like him.”

Bizar la Hiya is growing up !

Breeder News: Wiluca la Haya preference.

The mare La Haya Wiluca today at the age of 8 was declared “preference”. The mare is owned by La Haya Stables,  Grand Prix rider and her partner Olga Boucher and Arjan Alberts from the German Bedburg-Hau KWPN Limburg region.

Wiluca is a daughter of Roman Nature of mare line 100, the line of the recently approved stallions Van Gogh, Viento Uno, South Wind and Zhivago. The mother of Wiluca, the keur mare Furona (Blanc Rivage xx – Amor), reached 90 IBOP AA score.

Wiluca has a 2006 colt by Lingh. Bizar la Haya completed his IBOP in Panningen 78.5 points for his test and 85 points for conformation.  The jury described him as a generous dressage model withan appealing front, while  working properly. The walk, trot, posture and balance, ride and workability and talent as a dressage horse was rewarded with an 8.


wiluca galop


wiluca draf


Wiluca has a 2006 colt by Lingh. Bizar la Haya completed his IBOP in Panningen 78.5 points for his test and 85 points for conformation.  The jury described him as a generous dressage model withan appealing front, while  working properly. The walk, trot, posture and balance, ride and workability and talent as a dressage horse was rewarded with an 8.

He is slowly getting stronger !



Bizar La Haya



INTRODUCING “Lieblingh VDH.” by Lingh

LINGH'S "Lieblingh VDH"

Details and Information to follow… !

Lingh is a grandfather in the UK !

Who's my Mother ?

Details to follow…..

In Canada, a Lingh colt is born !


Congratulations to Alex and we look forward to many stories and photos. Thanks , Karin and Lingh !

I just wanted to let you know that my mare gave birth to a stunning colt tonight at
around 9:30pm.  He is the same colour as Lingh, but has 4 long stockings and a blaze
that is unique.  He is absolutely stunning, and I can not wait to have better
pictures to show you after he's unfolded himself more.  But here are the initial
pictures, just because I am excited.  

Take Care,
Alex Eaton

Unigue markings on this Lingh colt !

LINGH – His latest Achievement !

More details to follow…..

Third Breeding to Lingh , same lineage, wanting a filly !

My most loyal breeder writes….

” Hey Karin, Despite it being 108 degrees today in the middle of the East Coast of the United States with the heat index today,  we successfully got Nathalia bred to back to Lingh for the third time !. The semen came from overseas and Dr Jiminez (Sporting Chance Farm) checked it out after the breeding & said the motility was above 50 percent and for frozen was excellent & that there were more straight swimmers than the circle ones. She’ll be bred again in the morning with the remainder of the straws. It all went very well. Hopefully I’ll get my elusive Lingh filly !!

Darlingh is great, as is Finalia!

Darlingh  { Cocktail x Faye x Blanc Rivage } still looks like Lingh where Finalia { Cocktail x Faye x Blanc Rivage  } looks more like a young Parcival. I guess he has more of the Cocktail look to him. Both have the absolute best personalities. I keep them very socialized and are turned out with my other stallion & all the geldings. They do play hard though but it’s harmless – just youngsters really enjoying themselves. I wish they would take a break from time to time because they’re always playing.

Anyway, just a touch base note filled with extreme gratitude & appreciation. Hope you are staying cool.

Cheers Daryl.

(New Photographs to follow!)


Send your Lingh offspring for training- an “end to end production” model

We are ready to receive some young Lingh’s for training. For more information contact Karin at or Susanne Hassler at

Jan Rogers of the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) said: “The principle of linking quality British-bred horses with professional riders is fabulous. What we’ve been missing in this country is the end-to-end production.

“Through the Futurity scheme, the BEF is keen to track successful horses. Studs forging relations with professional riders makes it more likely that we’ll see the best of the horses deliver during their careers.”

This news story was first published in the current issue of Horse & Hound (2 June, 2011)



Update on Trenton, Tiamo Trocadero’s first born

Congratulations Lois, we are very pleased to hear that Trenton has a great life. The long term relationship between a girl and her young horse is always a challenge – a wonderful world of love, respect and patience. Thank you for buying him from me and giving him a great home…send pictures soon !

Hi Karin,

I am doing well. and Trenton is just fine! He has been quite the challenge. But my patience and and persistence have paid off. We are finally speaking the same language, he has softened, and we almost look like a team. We have come to a good working relationship, he and I. Quite rewarding! He spends 6 months in Wellington and 6 months at Two Trees.
I am taking very good care of him. Our bond is very strong! Hope you are doing well.
All the best
lois  june 2011


Linguistic was  awarded a higher first premium and was the highest scoring 3 year old! The Evaluator described her frame as “a very nice picture” and she scored 9’s for her trot and canter which was described as “very athletic and agile”.

Linguistic or Tia as she is known at home is a lovely bay mare who takes her elegant looks and easy going temperament from her father Lingh as well as a super hindleg from her mother Tiara. Linguistic was the highest scoring three year old at her recent British Equestrian Federation Futurity evaluations.

Southern Cross Stud in the UK says ” We feel privileged to have one of the very few Lingh mares in the UK today and are looking forward to using her as part of our breeding program.  Linguistic has also bred a superb colt,  Peridot, by the exciting young stallion Pentagon’s Peron via embryo transfer. Peridot is a refined and elegant foal with a super friendly personality. His “surrogate” mother Rumour  carried him to allow Linguistic to begin her competitive career is proving to be a very relaxed mum and this seems to have rubbed off on Peridot.”

Peridot at 4 days old -  wow  Lingh is a Grandfather again ! PERIDOT – 4 DAYS OLD !!

Linguistic is 4 years old now and has recently started her training under saddle and is now in training with International Grand Prix dressage rider Anna Ross Davies and we are excited to see what this combination will achieve in the future. Linguistic’s sire Lingh is a modern dressage stallion with outstanding conformation.  Lingh’s offspring are described as being very elegant, light and athletic and Linguistic is no exception to this. Linguistic is a sensitive but responsive ride and has excellent conformation.  She has a bit of a spark about her but is a very kind mare.

Linguistic’s mother Tiara is by the stallion Metall whose offspring inherit his stunning conformation, and a high degree of quality and refinement. They are built very uphill and have beautiful heads. Their movements show great finesse with much power in the hind legs, lots of elevation in the front legs, and they have supple backs.  Her maternal Grandfather is Balzflug who is bred out of the best performance bloodlines in the Trakehner Studbook. His sire Habicht is noted as one of the most influential sires of excellent dressage ability, having produced many nationally ranked top mares and several approved stallions including Olympic Cocktail. For more information on Southern Cross Stud please link to