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Equestrian Clinics

Equestrian Clinics is an educational website that provides members with a

front row seat to clinics with equestrian’s top trainers.

Our goal is to bring the equestrian community together with a continuing

education program of demonstrations, exercises and life experiences. Books and

magazines are a great resource for riders of all levels. But at Equestrian Clinics,

we believe that since humans are visual creatures, we learn more from

demonstrations. Watching other riders make mistakes that we can relate to and

then watching the correction is a powerful learning tool. Having the visual imprint

of correct riding is a tremendous benefit in advancing your skill as a rider.

We are approaching trainers all over the world to allow us to “take a peek”

at their lessons and clinics. In a perfect world with money and time limitless,

many of us would travel to these fantastic clinics and watch in person. Since that

is not always possible, Equestrian Clinics brings the clinics to you. We also

encourage riders to participate in clinics personally and watching these wonderful

trainers will prepare them for their clinic.

These clinics stream on our website,, and are

available to our members (Member fees go towards covering some of the

production costs. There are no profits realized.)  Each month we feature a new

full-length clinic with a top hunter, jumper or dressage trainer as well as

numerous training tips. We have shot with such trainers as George Morris, Anne

Kursinski and Frank Madden. We are thrilled to have our first opportunity to shoot

with such talented members of the dressage community with Karin Offield’s Tool

Box Symposium.

Thank you for sharing your expertise and helping us to create this

tremendous educational opportunity for trainers and riders of all levels.

Kathleen Burns Rohr

Equestrian Clinics

Your Front Row Seat to Clinics

By Equestrian’s Top Trainers